
2nd time Moms: When did you feel movement?

When did you start to feel movement?

I scrolled back and didn't see anything, so I thought I would ask.

I know I am WAY early, but can swear I am feeling something. It's like someone is flicking you from the inside.

I have read that you will feel movement earlier with your second pregnancy and also earlier since you have twins.

Am i really feeling movement or is it still just gas? I notice it at night right when I lay down on my left side. It's very faint and not consistent at all. I will feel it maybe twice and then its done. Your thoughts?


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Re: 2nd time Moms: When did you feel movement?

  • With DD I felt flutters and little spasms first... with these two it went right to kicks and jags and started around 17 weeks.  Now I can feel them from the outside... with DD I didn't feel anything on the outside until 27 weeks.
  • I felt flutters at about 11 weeks, not all the time but here and there. I felt kicks at 14 weeks 6 days.
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  • imageIAM4UK:

    I have read that you will feel movement earlier with your second pregnancy and also earlier since you have twins.

    This is true, I felt kicks at around 15wks and I was so surprised as with my singleton, I didn't start feeling kicks until about 23wks

    image Nicholas Jacob born on 06/30/2009, 9.5lbs and 21 1/4" long Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Joshua Scott 5.3lbs & Jonathan Matthew 6.2lbs, born 08/31/10 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • same week i felt movement with Griffin - 15w... both times.
  • With the trips, I felt movement at 14-15 weeks.  Not kicks but something spinning around inside.
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