When did you start to feel movement?
I scrolled back and didn't see anything, so I thought I would ask.
I know I am WAY early, but can swear I am feeling something. It's like someone is flicking you from the inside.
I have read that you will feel movement earlier with your second pregnancy and also earlier since you have twins.
Am i really feeling movement or is it still just gas? I notice it at night right when I lay down on my left side. It's very faint and not consistent at all. I will feel it maybe twice and then its done. Your thoughts?
Re: 2nd time Moms: When did you feel movement?
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
This is true, I felt kicks at around 15wks and I was so surprised as with my singleton, I didn't start feeling kicks until about 23wks