TTC after 35

Bummed but should not be!!

So I am just having a little pity party that I need to snap outta of!!

We had our "pre-conception" visit back in March, doctor says he did not see any reason why we would have difficulties, he said if not pregant by July to call him and come in to discuss other options.  Well, here it is July and I am still not pregant, we go August 4th to discuss our fertility with him.  I know I should just shut up because soooo many of you have been dealing with problems for a whole lot longer than I.  We have craptastic health insurance that does not cover anything fertility related.  Lets just hope it is something simple.  Anyone know what the first steps are when you having trouble conceiving?? 

Re: Bummed but should not be!!

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    OscarQOscarQ member

    Did your Dr do any testing before the pre-conception appointment?  Without testing - he was assuming all systems were go with both of you (IMO).  The frist steps I did were CD3 bloodwork and then again once I O'd to check the progesterone level (I think - I'm bad with the testing stuff).  DH did two S/A's and I had an HSG (OUCH!) along with a sonohystogram (no big deal).

    Now, I did most of this twice - once with my OB - who said everything was normal and wanted to put me on Clomid unmonitored and once with my RE who said given my DOR (Diminshed Ovarian Reserve) Clomid was useless and started me on 100mg Follistim Injectibles with IUI.

    Good luck!

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    Did your Dr do any testing before the pre-conception appointment?  Without testing - he was assuming all systems were go with both of you (IMO).  The frist steps I did were CD3 bloodwork and then again once I O'd to check the progesterone level (I think - I'm bad with the testing stuff).  DH did two S/A's and I had an HSG (OUCH!) along with a sonohystogram (no big deal).

    Now, I did most of this twice - once with my OB - who said everything was normal and wanted to put me on Clomid unmonitored and once with my RE who said given my DOR (Diminshed Ovarian Reserve) Clomid was useless and started me on 100mg Follistim Injectibles with IUI.

    Good luck!

    All of this, and my RE required it be done by his office/lab. So if you're moving between an OB and an RE you may have to repeat (and yes pay OOP twice) some of the tests.

    1 ectopic 3 m/c's prior to 5/05 Un-freaking-explained IF 5/05 IVF, BFN 9/05 FET 3d5e, BFP = Beautiful Baby Girl (lucky pg #5) 8/08 Fet 3d5e, cp 12/08 IVF with PGD, transfer 3, BFN 5/09 FET transfer 4, BFN Hail Mary IUI with Follistim 9/11 BFP; 9/22 confirmed tubal/MTX 4/10 FET 3d5e, BFP!!!! m/c 5/26/10 1 year break and yet another m/c 5/11 FET #5 initial beat 121, second beta 7 Lap and removal of L tube and very mild endo 7/11 Suprise BFP 12/11 & m/c @ 8 wks. After 11 losses and one beautiful miracle our journey is over, we are thankful and at peace.
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    At first, I consulted my OB hoping I wouldn't need a specialist.  I think she did blood tests, but I don't remember.  She did have DH go in for a SA, just to rule anything out on his end (he ended up going to what is now my current RE's office!).  She put me on Clomid, unmonitored, which looking back, I would've requested monitoring b/c I wasn't sure if/how it was working.  I didn't work for me.  When I started going to my RE (whom my OB referred me to), she did a full blood workup.......first CD3, then CD21.  I had an HSG which revealed polyps which I had to have removed.  Then, like magic, AF showed up on time 6 months in a row (my issue is that I don't ovulate regularly)!  I really wish I'd had these tests done at the beginning of TTC.......I think it would've saved time and money in the end.

    I hope this helps!

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    I agree with others, when you are having difficulty conceiving, they will start with bloodwork for you.  Because you are over 35, you might want to request an AMH test - my OB did not do that initially.  The AMH will test your ovarian reserve.  Then they will likely do an SA on DH. 

    I think it will depend on what they did at your "pre-conception" visit.  GL to you! 

    TTC since 3/07. IVF#1 = canceled. IVF#2 = 0% fertilization. IVF#3 = BFN. IVF#4 = c/p.  
    Moving forward with Adoption 2017!
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    mkwtmkwt member

    The only testing I had dones was for Cystic Fibrosis, and that came back negative.  He did not think we would have issue conceiving.  Thank you for the help.


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    Pity Party away!

    Just because you have been trying as long as some of us doesn't mean you can't feel sad or frustrated by the whole process.


    My steps went like this:

    6-9 total rounds of Clomid and Femara  (not done at the same time, obviously).

    1, soon to be 2 rounds of Gonal-f w/trigger and TI. 

     Pretty easy stuff. Not cheap but not expensive like other stuff.

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    The only testing I had dones was for Cystic Fibrosis, and that came back negative.  He did not think we would have issue conceiving.  Thank you for the help.


     Hold up. He only tested to see if you were a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis and when it came back negative he figured it mean that you would have no issues conceiving?  Maybe I should go back and re-read your post I feel like I'm missing something.

    It's good to know you aren't a carrier for CF but you will need other tests to know for sure whether or not you will have difficulties conceiving.  See if your Dr will do a CD3 blood work up on you.  That measures your hormones and give you your FSH levels (ovarian's a good indicator of if you can conceive on your own or not) also, see if they will do tests to check for any type of clotting disorders.  Clotting disorders can increase your risk of m/c so it's good to know so that you can be proactive about it.

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    I can't add to what the other ladies said soooooo


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    mkwtmkwt member

    The only testing I had dones was for Cystic Fibrosis, and that came back negative.  He did not think we would have issue conceiving.  Thank you for the help.


     Hold up. He only tested to see if you were a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis and when it came back negative he figured it mean that you would have no issues conceiving?  Maybe I should go back and re-read your post I feel like I'm missing something.

    It's good to know you aren't a carrier for CF but you will need other tests to know for sure whether or not you will have difficulties conceiving.  See if your Dr will do a CD3 blood work up on you.  That measures your hormones and give you your FSH levels (ovarian's a good indicator of if you can conceive on your own or not) also, see if they will do tests to check for any type of clotting disorders.  Clotting disorders can increase your risk of m/c so it's good to know so that you can be proactive about it.

    Yes, the first time I went was just to discuss getting off birth control after 20 plus years and to address our concerns, he explained what test we could do "before" we really started trying, etc, that is why we did the cf test.  He did not do any other tests thinking we would not have issues, and said if not pregant by July to come in, and I am assuming I will be having the  tests mentioned above.  No, my doctor said that before he ever ran any tests!  I am just down because I did not "think" we would have issues.  Thank for all the advice girls, you all are the best board!!

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