Hi girls! I had my 20 week apt and we are having TWO BOYS! Team blue X 2. Both boys looked perfect and are measuring right on track. I am still so in awe of my little miracles.
OMG MrsKario.. I'm soo happy for you guys.. brought a tear to my eye.. two boys!! Wonderful!!!!!! Glad to hear you're at 20 weeks as well.. I hope you're really enjoying all this.. Take care!!!
IVF - 9/09 - BFN!
IVF #2 - ER 3/16; ET 3/18 with one embryo
Beta 3/30 -- BFN!
IVF #3 - 5/10 - BFN!
IVF #4 - 11/10 - BFP. m/c at 6weeks
FET #1 - 2/11 - BFP. beta on 2/21 Thank you God!
u/s on 3/7 showed TWINS! u/s on 3/11 TWO heartbeats! Couldn't be happier
Hooray! Wonderful news! I have twin boy cousins (older than me) and they are super close. Their little sister has twin boys (4 years old) and they are amazing and so cute together.
Congratulations! Please continue with your updates!
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Re: Happy update (ticker and preg. mentioned)
Moving forward with Adoption 2017!
My Blog
Congratulations Mrs K!!! I am so extremely happy for you and your 2 little miracles!!
I still get teary when I read your updates...I'm kind of sappy that way and so happy that things worked out so well for you
Hooray! Wonderful news! I have twin boy cousins (older than me) and they are super close. Their little sister has twin boys (4 years old) and they are amazing and so cute together.
Congratulations! Please continue with your updates!
photo by Scott Metzger
kikijbird ~ Erica (aka Kiki) & Paul ~ 24 April 2010
The JBirds Bio ~ Updated 03.02.10 - Invites!
What wonderful news! Keep up the healthy pregnancy.
Awesome news!!! Congratulations:)