Alabama Babies

another boy - circumcision question

Who actually performs the circumcision? and when?

My mom suggested I find a Rabi to do it, but... I'm not Jewish and I'm not sure a Rabi would actually perform it for us.  

Does your pediatrician do it? or a ureologist? or your OB? 


Re: another boy - circumcision question

  • The OB does it, typically the day after birth.  Parker wasn't gone 20 minutes when they did his. 
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  • My OB did ours the day after delivery. I recommend getting it done while you're still in the hospital that way the nurses and pedi will at least check it out with you and help you with maintenance and cleaning the first couple days.

    I'm sure whomever you choose will no doubt be qualified. It seemed to be the norm for my OB practice.

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  • Pretty much what others said except our pedi did it.  It was a lot better to have the nurses there when we had questions (or the bandage came off!).
  • imagenjslp:
    The OB does it, typically the day after birth.  Parker wasn't gone 20 minutes when they did his. 
  • Oddly enough, the OB does it.  (Seems to me like the pediatrician should do it.)  It's usually done the 2nd day you are in the hospital.  Anyway, if I were you, I would ask them to perform the old fashioned way of doing it.  They used the plastibell on Caleb and it was awful.  It never completely cut through the skin and so it never fell off like it was supposed to.  He bacame really red and sore and we had to go to a urinary specialist to have it removed...cut off!  That was horrible and seemed to be pretty painful for my little guy.  It took a while to heal too.  I don't know the term for the old way of doing it, but if you ask your Dr, I'm sure he will know.  The urinary specialist that we saw even said he wished Dr's wouldn't use the plastibell because they see alot of problems from it.
  • actually, the pediatrician does it at our hospital.  it was done on the day we were leaving the hospital, very early in the morning.
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