Two Under 2

When to get rid of baby items?

Although we haven't made any firm decisions I have a feeling this will be our last baby.  DH has always wanted only two and I've said two or three but am pretty content with two.  I know things may change in the future and we haven't permanently closed the door on number three.  If we did have number three if wouldn't be for another two or three years.  So with all of that being said, knowing we'll most likely have just two, do we hang onto all of the baby items until we're sure done having kids or do we sell the items and if number three happens purchase new items at that point?

Children Photography Photo Credit: Heather Barta Photography

Re: When to get rid of baby items?

  • We're in the same boat - DH wants to be done, I still think I maybe want a 3rd, but no matter what we're not having another kid for 2-3 years at LEAST.  I'm getting rid of things.  All I've really kept is one large plastic bin of baby boy clothes and I'm doing the same with outgrown baby girl clothes - just keeping the pieces I really loved or that were $$$.  Everything else is being sold or donated or handed down to friends.

    We don't have much storage at all, though, and we know we'll be moving at some point before we'd have another child.  If we were staying in this house longer term and had a big basement or attic, I'd be more inclined to keep some higher ticket things (swing, exersaucer, etc.)   

    the bug & bee blog
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    anderson . september 2008
    vivian . february 2010
    mabel . august 2012
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  • We're in the same boat, although we are about 99% sure we are 2 and done. I am slowly getting rid of everything. I've given a few things away, sold a few pieces on Craigslist, etc. I would love to get rid of all of it. If we did have another, it wouldn't be for probably 3-4 years anyway. The only thing I haven't really touched yet is their clothes. We have many bins of clothes they have both outgrown at this point, but I haven't given away or sold a single piece of clothing. I'm attached to it for some reason.
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    Logan David 03.27.08
    Jacob Riley 05.18.09
    {Member since 2007}
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