Baby Names

opinions wanted- indian names

My husband is indian and we would like for our baby to have either an indian first name or middle name.  Tell me what you think of these names...

 Vidiya Ann (pronounced like Lydia with a V) for a girl.

Vincent Balaji for a boy. 

 All of these are family names except Vidiya is changed slightly to make it easier to pronounce.  I had trouble pronouncing the original.

If anyone knows any other good indian names please post. 


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Re: opinions wanted- indian names

  • mama31mama31 member
    I like Naveen
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Sonali has been a longtime favorite of mine.
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  • imagemama31:
    I like Naveen

     thumbs up :)

    I like your names as well!

  • I like naveen, but apparently dh has a mean uncle with that name:)
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  • I don't have any other good names for you, but I do like the ones you've already listed.
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • I knew a girl in high school named Anjali (on-ja-LEE) and I always thought it was really pretty.
  • Here are some girl names that I've come across in the Muslim, Hindu or Islamic sections of my name book:

    Drisana (Dree-sahn-ah) -daughter of the sun

    Sejal (Say-jull) - river water

    Amina - peaceful

    Samina - much praised

    Faiza/Fayza - successful woman

    Maisa (my-ee-sah) - walks with proud gait

    Neha (nay-ha) - love, affection

    Raja - hope

    Rania - contented

    Simran (Sim-rin)?-meditative, remembrance

  • A girl at my work just named her daughter Hala.  (prounounced hey-la).  Her name is Amina (I don't know if that's her original name or if it was "americanized when she came to US".  I also have two other guys at my work who are named Mihir and Ansar. 
  • I like both names a lot!  My DS's mn is Vincent. :-)  

     I also like the names Avni and Anjali and Anjuli for a girl.   

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    Angel Baby: 5/29/08

  • imageStarlette1983:
    I knew a girl in high school named Anjali (on-ja-LEE) and I always thought it was really pretty.

    I knew a girl in HS with this name & think it is pretty and not too difficult to pronounce.

    Married my best friend 05.27.06

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  • I always liked the name Ganesa 
    TTC since July 2009 ^Rosemary^ May 7, 2010 Holding my rainbow, Beatrix, since August 21, 2012
  • I have a friend named Shefali (pronounced "sha-fall-ee"...I think it's very pretty.  Her brother's name is Shalin (pronounced "shah- leen")
    m/c #1 May 2009 at 5.5 weeks; m/c #2 August 2009 at 7.5 weeks; BFP in April 2010 and DS (the love of my life) born 12/07/10; m/c #3 June 2011 at 8 weeks (measured at 5)
  • imageStarlette1983:
    I knew a girl in high school named Anjali (on-ja-LEE) and I always thought it was really pretty.

    That is very pretty. OP, I like your listed names as well.



  • I went to HS with a girl named Amisha.  I always thought it was a very pretty name.  I also like Amiyah for a girl.
      Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • imageLadieBumbles:

    I knew a girl in high school named Anjali (on-ja-LEE) and I always thought it was really pretty.

    I knew a girl in HS with this name & think it is pretty and not too difficult to pronounce.

    Another vote for Anjali- so pretty!

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  • Aneela

    Navin (Nah-vin)

    TTC since August 2010 Diagnosed MFI 8/2/11 IUI#1 9/2/11 voiceofhopeblog
    what you want the link to say here
  • I love Anjali- sounds so nice!  There's an Asha in our playgroup, I think that's cute.
  • I really like the names you have picked out. And another vote for Anjali! (sp?)

    I knew 2 sisters names Shristi and Shreya. Saying them together was always a tongue twister but I think they are beautiful names,

  • ivs112ivs112 member

    Sejal for a girl. Pronounced say-jul.

    I like Vidiya but not with Ann. It doesn't flow well.

  • I work with several (in IT) - here are some cool names:




    uma (girl)




     all of these are easy to pronounce - easy for a southern'er.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Hello, I have gone through some Indian Baby Names resource and found the list of Indian and Hindu Baby Names, may be that will help you to find good baby name. Its
  • We have a large Indian population at the office I work at. Here are some of the names of coworkers...

    Kalyan (kahl-e-ahn) <--love this one, Kalpesh
    Narender (goes by Naren)
    Jaipal (goes by Jai, pronounced like Jay), Wasim

    Vishali (vai-shal-ee)
    Srilatha (goes by Latha)
    Anupama (goes by Anu)
    Nidhi (nee-dee)
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I really like Vidiya.

    I have many Indian coworkers. Some of my favorite girl names are:

    I'm not a fan of a lot of the male names and any that I do like are usually nns for much larger names.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I've only ever seen Vidiya spelled Vidya, which I don't think is hard to pronounce (not sure if that's the spelling you were talking about). It's very pretty. My favorite is Priya.
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