Sloane just makes me think of a 1980s romance novelist; I feel like she would wear suspenders with boxy suits and Fedoras. I don't think it's my style, but if you love it . . . she certainly wont be one of many.
It's nms, really... and it kind of reminds me of the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." That being said, it's far from the worst sounding name I have ever heard.
Re: How does this name sound...
I LOVE Sloane and would use it if I could (doesn't go with our last name).
I think it sounds very nice with Katherine!
I like it. Sloan is unique and actually makes me think of that character from Ferris Bueller's Day Off, but that's a great movie.
Good choice.
Like Sloan Kettering Hospital in NY
The only season I ever watched and that creep ruined that name for me forever.
this is the first thing that came to mind
You sure you aren't thinking of Slade?
Me, either.
After 31 cycles, baby boy K (IUI) born 11/03/11
BFP (Femara) - 08/09/13 m/c around 6 weeks. xoxox Baby April
Rainbow baby girl E (Femara) born 11/16/16
And another
Exactly this - she was a good looking girl!
I like the name very much.
EDD 1/5/13