Anyone use a chore chart for their pre-schooler (3-4 yrs old)? I'm looking for ideas to make one and all I'm finding is printable ones. I'd like a fabric one with velcro chores/rewards/etc.
My SD is very computer literate (at 6!) and loves "apps" on the iPhone. We found iReward chart. It is a great chore/behavior chart that lets you give gold stars (good) and red stars (bad). It also has a "bank" that keeps track of how many stars they have and has a list of items they can cash in their stars for (ice cream is 10 stars, a new book is 20, etc.). It keeps track of how many she has and how many she has used. It works amazingly well.
Re: Chore Charts
I don't use a chart with my DD, but I have seen this one from Melissa & Doug that has magnetic pieces.