one hour after they go down. Usually one starts and then gets the other going and it's all down hill from there. THey are in the same room and we end of up having to separate them. We've tried CIO and it's still an issue. THey are well fed, dry. THey end up sleeping thru the night but it's a nightmare between 7 and 10, the ony time I have to myself. Worse of all I'm scared they are going to wake my 4 yo. I'm at my wits end really.
THey were great sleepers until about 6 months of age and slept form 7 to 7 no problem.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Re: Twins won't go down without crying or wake up crying....
they might need to go down to bed earlier - often babies will have a real problem sleeping if they are over tired.
are they teething? that always screws things up... some motrin before bed helps my boys when they are breaking new teeth.
ditto this. It sounds like teething might be playing a part if it's an hour after bed. Sometimes things don't hurt all day, but once you're resting, you're very aware. Motrin before bed saved us and our "free" time. Good luck!