i like sabine but i don't think people in the US would really "get" it or any of the other names except colleen and corinne. octavia could work but it would probably be seen as a little odd.
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Tenille--NO, NO, NO--I watched exactly one season of a show called Hell's Kitchen with a girl named Tenille on it--she was possibly the most obnoxious person I've ever encountered in my entire life. It's bad enough I would suggest you look her up before choosing this name.
Ingrid--all right, not awful or anything, just not my style.
Sarai--too biblical for me.
Elida--sounds like a medical condition.
Samia--ehh, nms.
Nakia--Like Nokia, the phone company?
Sabine--Wouldn't be my choice, but I do like the history of this name.
Corinne--I like Corinne, but pronounced cor-INN, rather than cor-EEN..
Colleen--Love Colleen, always have.
Nevine--ehh, doesn't really sound like a name to me.
Sajia--only if your Indian or Muslim--this name is strongly ethnic.
My cousin has a baby named Sarai. When she first told me the name, I didn't like it at all. It has since totally grown on me. She is the sweetest cutest little thing, and I think it fits her.
Octavia, Ingrid, Sabine, Corinne and Colleen are lovely. I know Sarai has a biblical connotation, but Sarah is much better. The rest of the names sound made up.
Tenille- I actually DO like this one! lol it reminds me of a nother name i love...teirlynOctavia- Only if it was shortened to TaviaIngrid- have never liked this name...its masculine and i think in the states it would get made fun of.Sarai- great bible name AND it is super feminine i love itElida=- blah luke warm Samia- if its Suh-MYA then yeah it could grow in me..still think she would use Mya later thoughNakia- always liked it but it reminds me of Nokia phonesSabine-not at allCorinne- yes its pretty but i also think of an evil mother in books i used to readColleen- blah all the ones i know are stuck up and hoity evil ppl so noNevine- yes i actually think this one is pretty okaySajia - LOVE this one!
Re: Yea or Nay?
I think Colleen is the best of the bunch though.
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
I love Corinne. I have a positive association with Tenille, so it's okay, though I wouldn't use it myself.
Don't like any of the others.
Ingrid--all right, not awful or anything, just not my style.
Sarai--too biblical for me.
Elida--sounds like a medical condition.
Samia--ehh, nms.
Nakia--Like Nokia, the phone company?
Sabine--Wouldn't be my choice, but I do like the history of this name.
Corinne--I like Corinne, but pronounced cor-INN, rather than cor-EEN..
Colleen--Love Colleen, always have.
Nevine--ehh, doesn't really sound like a name to me.
Sajia--only if your Indian or Muslim--this name is strongly ethnic.
From your list I like Corinne. I prefer Sabina instead of Sabine.
I like Corinne.
My cousin has a baby named Sarai. When she first told me the name, I didn't like it at all. It has since totally grown on me. She is the sweetest cutest little thing, and I think it fits her.
Cole Joseph 7/05/07
Nora Anne 11/03/12
9lbs, 6oz
hahahaha Nadia Suleman's mother should've named her Octavia ROFL
Tenille? Like Captain and Tenille?
Octavia, Ingrid, Sabine, Corinne and Colleen are lovely. I know Sarai has a biblical connotation, but Sarah is much better. The rest of the names sound made up.
Meredith, 6-1-06 and Alex, 11-5-09
The whole list is nms. But I think the best out of it are Corinne and Colleen.