Baby Names

Poll: when was your baby's name finalised?

My DD was named about 3wks before she was born. I was still questioning it the night I gave it to her, and for at least a week after.

This time around I think we have our first names decided already, just playing around with middle names now. Funny how that worked out.

I think I'm the kind of person that, given a window to wonder, I will wonder. So I will wonder whether I'm making the right choice at 18wks, 25wks, 36wks, 40wks, during labour, lol. Until that door closes and it is officially baby's name. (We are not announcing names until baby is born so I think it makes a difference that none of the decision-making is public for us).

I have friends who picked names when they were 16 and really did end up using them.

Where do you fall? How far along were you when it was finalised and done?

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 *** BFP #3 - angel baby at 8w2d - D&C 1.31.14 ***

 *** BFP #4  - Chloe Grace, the 'C' to complete our 'A & B' - born Feb 25th, 2015 at 22w2d, lived for 2.5hrs ***

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Re: Poll: when was your baby's name finalised?

  • Mine will be finalized when we give it to her - we have to make sure we like our top pick when we meet her.
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  • I had a name picked out for DD#2 up until I was about 35 weeks..then I changed it.

    With DD #1 I had her name picked out right after I found out she was a girl.  

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  • We had a vague understanding of the names we would use before we even got pregnant the first time, solidified them probably a week or so after we got our first BFP . . . and we honestly haven't changed them at all. We've started adoption proceedings and still plan to use the names we've chosen.
  • Our DDs name was finalized around 25 weeks ish (I think?!?!?). But we were not going to tell anyone until we gave it to her what it would be (my husbands plan). Funny though... he slipped twice before she was born so we ended up telling our immediate families so that not just one side knew what it would be. He kicked himself for a long time for that one!
  • When we filled out his registration of birth form.

    We were pretty sure about his name when I went into labour, but I tend to be a little indecisive at times.

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  • We decided soon after we found out the gender.
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  • DH always said that his first boy would be Michael Samuel, so it was finalized before we started dating. I wasn't a fan and tried to get something else, but alas, DH won. A girl's name would be harder.

    I have 100% say in LO#2. I'm pretty sure I already know what they are but that could always change. 

    Proud Mama to Mickey (12.03.09) and Nemo (06.06.13)

  • I'm almost 39 weeks and we still can't agree. I think at this point we'll go to hospital with a shortlist and make a decision once we meet him or her.
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  • We had some names picked out before I was even pregnant (we had plenty of time to discuss....) but didn't finalize until a few weeks after we found out she was a girl. It was like once we discovered it was a girl, the whole naming thing became a lot more real so we started trying to expand our list again!

    We ended up deciding on what had been our top choice all along, anyway. 


    Although ha, I did just bring up the idea of reverting to our other top choice to DH since this child has been so stubborn and would be living up to the namesake. (I'm scheduled for a c-section on Monday because of her size and lack of progress.)


  • With DS, we pretty much had decided a couple of months before he was born. Then we bought the name letters for his nursery wall and then it was final. LOL.

    With DD, we were much more indecisive. It wasn't fully decided until we were literally walking out of the hospital filling out the paperwork.  

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  • With DD it was finalized when we found out she was a girl.  Same with this one, as soon as we found out the sex, we announced our name and that was that.  I am like you though, I question it all the time.  DH is set though and we have annouced it to family, so it is done. 

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  • I had decided on a girl name as a child before I knew DH- but we were still arguing about it in the hospital, a week after DD was born.  so I guess it was always finalized for me, but still isn't for him- LOL!  During this pg- names have been a battle- i have a feeling it won't be finalized until after he is born.
  • I picked our name about 3 years before I was pregnant and my husband HATED it! ;)  When we found out we were having boy, we couldn't agree on anything, and I kept mentioning it... anyway, at about 30 weeks, he called he at work and said, "It grew on me... I love it!"
  • We declared LO's name final on the walk home from my 20-week ultrasound.

    I needed to decide early so that I could live with it for a few months and make sure I would still love it.

  • With the trio we had names set at 15 weeks. This one we had the boy name before I even got PG, thought we had the girl name too but just changed it and made our final pick this week...14 weeks.
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  • We had discussed names shortly after we got married and DS's name came up, but we weren't sold on it.

    We were Team Green when I was pg with DS and we came up with a list of 4 names for each sex and decided to wait until we met our LO before naming him/her.

    We finalized his name about 3 hours after he was born and it totally fits him.



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  • ablouablou member
    I wanted to have our names picked out before the big u/s, so we had the two names picked at about 19wks.
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  • kmplskmpls member

    I had a name picked out when we got married - kept it until about 2 months until the due date when I decided I wanted a different name. Picked that name but once DS was born I changed it because he didn't look like either of the names.

    I had 3 names going into birth but picked the one I never really considered because it fit him best!!!!

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