How soon did you feel up to visitors after you came home with your babies, esp. if you had a c-section. I'm scheduled for Monday morning since A is breech and B is transverse. I'm guessing will come home Thursday or Friday. All of my girlfriends have said tell people your are not up to visitors if you don't feel up to it and I really want a couple days for us to adjust to life with the babies and spend some alone time with them.
I was just telling H that I didn't want really want anyone next weekend and he said he knows but people are going to want to come see them and the weekend is easier for people and then we get it out of the way.
When did you feel up to having people? How did you deal with telling people No in the nicest way possible, esp. older relatives that may be a bit pushing and out of touch with having just given birth.
Re: visitors?
i was in the hospital 4 nights. I came home on a Friday and on Sunday night had my entire immediate family over the house for pizza night (something we do every sunday) and felt fine. I didn't do much but sit on the couch- DH did everything - but i felt fine to talk with everyone.
i healed really well from the c/s (much better than my vaginal birth)... but everyone's experience is different - so just let people know ahead of time that you will be waiting to see how everyone is doing and your DH will let everyone know when you are ready for visitors- and that you'll want to schedule them so there are never too many people at once, or at bad times of the day, etc. Don't be afraid to tell people what you want- these are YOUR children and your home- nothing else matters but you, your dh and your babies.
Plan a sip and see where people have a two hour window one day to come and go to see the babies.
like ougrad, the sip n see's are great because you give a specific time frame and then everyone needs to get out LOL and you can limit the time for people.
But it is your family...if you want your family time, then take it. People will just have to understand...if they don't, thats their problem not yours.
While most have an easy recovery from c/s, it is still a major surgery and you will have two newborns. don't let others expectation cause you to overdo...the babies aren't going anywhere, everyone has plenty of time to see them :-)
When we had ds, I came home from hospital on a saturday and everyone wanted to be AT the house we get home and then again on sunday and I said no way...I was stressed enough with more than 3-4 people visiting hospital at once, no way in my own home. We had everyone over the following weekend....which was much better!