Poor Gabi (and Eli - but Gabi's the one that is suffering, lol). They've been crawling all over the place. The room they spend the most time in has textured berber carpet. Today, DH was like "Hey dirty shirt" to me. I look down and yep, something brownish all over. Whatever, I have no clue. Change shirt, get on with the day. Changing Gabi about 1/2 hr later, I realize her knee is bleeding. I feel so bad. I noticed their knees getting a little callused, but didn't think it would actually break open. So now she has a Princess bandaid on. And they've had their BabyLegs on all day. She's been crawling about 2 mos now....Ben and Nat only crawled for about a week before walking, so I guess this is all new to me (in my defense, lol).
And ?s...
1. Sleep regression at 10 mos or so? Eli has always been easy, and for about the last 6-8 nights (not counting vacation) he's really been fighting sleep. They've been going to bed awake and STTN (10 hrs) since about 2.5 mos.
2. Is it normal for babies to knee sit - like a "W" kinda...heels beside their rear rather than under their butt? E & G both sit like this all the time. They never sit on their booties with legs stretched out in front of them. Occasionally they will sit with one leg Indian-style (leg in front, foot to opp knee) and one leg in that kneeling position. I don't recall B & N doing this either.
Re: I need a MOTY award (and a couple baby ?s)
I don't recall a 10m sleep regression for DD1. DD2's sleep still sucked at 10m - there was no room for regression!!
As for w-sitting, I'm an OT and it's not a great way for anyone to sit - bad for the knees, yada, yada. Sometimes it's a sign of core/trunk weakness or low muscle tone because it's easier to w-sit because it provides a wider base of support. If that's the case, you definitely want to discourage it to help increase core strength. It could also be a sign of short or tight hamstrings that they don't want to sit with their legs extended. Side sitting (one leg indian-style, foot to opposite knee) is a good way to sit, as are long sitting (legs straight in front) or criss cross applesauce (the new pc way to say indian style). I would start encouraging them out of w-sitting when you can. All that said, my 3.5yo still w-sits from time to time and she has no strength/tone/tightness issues at all. My therapist friends pick on me for it all the time!