
Second opinion appt today

(Copied from my blog)

 Today was my second opinion appointment.  Leading up to the appointment, I felt guilty...almost like I was going to 'cheat' on my doctor.  I thought my last appointment went very well, so I considered cancelling this appointment.  As I sat in the exam room waiting for the doctor, I told myself not to expect anything.  I thought he'd probably verify what my other doctor had said and send me on my way.  I was pleasantly surprised.

He asked me to go over my IF history, even though it was clear that he had gone over my chart.  He made a few notes that made me feel as though some things were missing from the chart.  He told me that since I've had two pregnancies, he didn't suspect I had an issue with my anatomy nor did he think the issue was with my husband.  I told him that I got my period on my own the last two cycles, but that the cycles were 38 and 37 days.  He told me that the general rule is that if a cycle is longer than 35 days, there is an ovulation issue.  (Which we already knew, but it verifies it yet again).  He said that Clomid was a good drug and that he would have me continue using it for the next 3 months, but wanted me to take 100 mg, rather than the 50 mg the other doctor Rx'ed.  If I am not pregnant by then, we will take a different approach.  He also had labs drawn to check my hormone levels (FSH, LH, and Estrodiol).  Luckily, my appointment was perfectly scheduled and I am on CD 3--the day that these hormones are checked.  He will have me return to check my Progesterone level after ovulation.  My other doctor only checked my Prolactin level, despite my request to do further testing.  My new doctor seemed confident that we will get to the bottom of my infertility and will end up with a healthy baby...hopefully sooner than later.

I am very pleased that I kept my appointment and will be officially changing doctors.  I felt like he is on a mission to get this resolved as much as we are.

Re: Second opinion appt today

  • Good to hear that he's on top of things! Hope this is your month!
  • I'm glad that you have a more proactive doctor and that you guys have a plan in place.  Good luck!
                                                 Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03
                                               Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
                                        Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11

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  • That sounds really promising!  And don't feel badly for getting a second opinion.  GL!
  • That's great news! Good luck!
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • REOMREOM member

    Don't feel guilty, you are doing what is best for you and your family.

    Good luck, sounds very promising! Hoping for an April 2011 FFG curly haired baby :)

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Sounds like a good day....hope it is an easy fix (upping the Clomid) and you're preggo in no time! 
  • Good luck to you :)
    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
  • Sounds like he is very thorough and that the appt went well.  Glad you have a plan in place!  Sending you lot of BFP vibes! :)
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