Not slowness, just being a perfectionist about everything? Ethan must brush his hair just right, brush his teeth, wash his face, pick out the right shoes, etc before we can go anywhere. It would be cute if he didn't make us late everywhere we go!
Drives me nuts. Gracie will spend 5 minutes drying her hands perfectly. I swear she's ocd. I've started singing "123, that's enough for me!" when I feel like she's already taken too long. That's the song they use at preschool to hurry the kids up at the drinking fountain.
Re: Does your 4 year old take forever to get ready?
Mommy to Rachel 1.15.06 and Ashley 5.17.11
Drives me nuts. Gracie will spend 5 minutes drying her hands perfectly. I swear she's ocd. I've started singing "123, that's enough for me!" when I feel like she's already taken too long. That's the song they use at preschool to hurry the kids up at the drinking fountain.