
Painful contractions

I have to say....I'm not a fan!  I contracted all night and it hurt.  Not fun I tell you.  Just saying....I hope I don't have this for another 4 weeks.  Eeek.  Contractions were of course gone by my appt this AM and my cervix is actually longer at 2.6 cm.  I'm back on the curve!  So obviously these were just some serious B-H. 

To my mid 30 week mommas....I pray you don't get these contractions so soon.  This is pooptastic.

Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image

Re: Painful contractions

  • so sorry, hope the pain easies up on you.

    Do you have pics of your nursery? i just saw you were having two girls and saw the two pics in your siggy and it made me want to see more. I am also having two girls and have dark furniture and painted a pretty aqua.

    just would love to see your pics.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hang in there.....

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  • Eeek! I thought there were only two "types" of contrax: annoying BH, and painful labor contrax. Nice to know there's painful BH too! lol . . .

    That really stinks - hope they calm down and you can continue to rest. Good news on your cervix - looks like all the best rest is helping out :) Keep cookin' babies :) 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers twins born at 36 wks Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Ugh, sorry. :( Glad your cervix is holding strong though! I'm surprised they still measured it; is that common? My practices both told me they don't usually measure it after 31w.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • It is totally variable.  Most commonly I've seen 34 weeks as the endpoint for measuring cervical length.  This makes the most sense since you won't give steroids after 34 weeks and usually would not tocolyze either - so measuring it after this is a moot point. 

    Since I've been on bedrest due to cervical shortening...I asked to have it done today (last time was 2 weeks ago) just so I could get an idea of where I stood. 

    Don't you love how medicine has so much grey area?!?!

    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
  • I've been having these too!  I was at the doc today.....and earned myself a place on my rocking chair.  I'm having way more than 4/hr even with sitting down and drinking water.  The BH are now waking me at night (not fun!)

    She did some swab test of my vaginal/cervical fluid (sorry TMI) it's to check for fetal ___________ something.  I should have written it down.  I get a sono of my cervix/babes on Tuesday from my high risk guy.  I'm worried what my cervix measures at now......

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I've had lots of BH since last night.  It's making me nervous and I think I'm getting less rest on leave than working.  Between the holiday events, birthdays, my shower, feeling obligated to go on playdates with my SAHM friends that I never get to see, etc. and I've only been off 1 week.  I have a list of things to do a mile long and not getting anything done and I really wanted to spend more time with DD before the babies arrive.  Now these BH!  I just want to lay on the couch.
  • Ahhhhhh, those were the days. ;)

    Tell them to give you some Nubain (for home use, natch) as a professional perk!

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