Pre-School and Daycare

Guess what DD is asking for her 3rd birthday....

a Nintendo DS.... a pink one. ::sigh:: Daily btw.

 Is it bad I am considering it?  My niece and nephew have one and she loves playing theirs. I will have to research and see if there are educational games for it first though. I was going to get her this or the new Leapfrog Explorer.

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Re: Guess what DD is asking for her 3rd birthday....

  • Lol!!  M has never even seen a video game.
  • oh yeah, she is going to want what the older kids have. That isn't bad, my dd has requested a Ipad!! She has played with my BIL's a few times and now wants one but there is no way I'm spending that kind of money.

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  • I just looked on TRU website and the games for Nintendo DS and there are hardly any that look overly educational. There is 1 Dora and 1 princess. Hmmm.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I doubt there are any educational games on the DS.  I would go with the Leapfrog.
  • My kid has one but there are no educational games for it. The reason she has one? My DH bought it for me when I was pregnant because he thought I would want to play DS games against him when I was in labor.
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  • I would do the explorer. I think she would be happy if she had any gaming system that she could play while the other kids played theirs. The explorer has way more educational games plus you can have e-books on it. In the fall I believe they will be coming out with a camera attachment and other games too.

    In case you didn't read my post a couple down there's a coupon code(if you decide to go the explorer route)

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • imagebrittneycc1982:
    Lol!!  M has never even seen a video game.
    Same with P!!! I probably would consider it, but not quite sure I would get it...but then again, she is asking daily...ooh tough one!
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • DS1 has the Leapfrog, and usually plays it when he's in the car, which I don't mind. The games are educational and pretty fun, if I do say so myself lol. Maybe just take this to teach her that some things are for bigger kids and she's not old enough yet? Not sure how I would handle that...... even though DS1 is 5, he hasn't started asking for things yet for birthdays, etc. Good luck!
    Blake 04/29/05 Will 06/12/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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