a Nintendo DS.... a pink one. ::sigh:: Daily btw.
Is it bad I am considering it? My niece and nephew have one and she loves playing theirs. I will have to research and see if there are educational games for it first though. I was going to get her this or the new Leapfrog Explorer.
Re: Guess what DD is asking for her 3rd birthday....
oh yeah, she is going to want what the older kids have. That isn't bad, my dd has requested a Ipad!! She has played with my BIL's a few times and now wants one but there is no way I'm spending that kind of money.
I would do the explorer. I think she would be happy if she had any gaming system that she could play while the other kids played theirs. The explorer has way more educational games plus you can have e-books on it. In the fall I believe they will be coming out with a camera attachment and other games too.
In case you didn't read my post a couple down there's a coupon code(if you decide to go the explorer route)