
DSNG at 9 mo. old?

Anyone still use theirs at this age?

Here's my situation...I'm flying alone with both DDs back from visiting my family in Aug. when the girls are 9 mo. old (and prob. about 20 lbs or so each by that point)...

Is it poss. to still use the DSNG? Or, should I just bring their normal (tandem) stroller? My dilemma is that I also have an hour layover...

Thanks for any feedback!

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Re: DSNG at 9 mo. old?

  • We stopped using our DSNG at 6m and our Snugrides at 7.5m (when we realized Alex was over 21 lbs already!) But if your LOs still fit and are still happy in it, I would try it. I haven't flown with my LOs yet though so take that with a grain of salt. ;)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • There is no way I could have used it for one of my twins, but the other I could squeeze by if I absolutely had to.  She is about 17 1/2lbs now at 8 months so she should be 18 or 19lbs at 9 months.  We switched her to the convertible car seat last week because her legs were long and her brother had been it for awhile so we weren't using the DSNG anymore.
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  • i saw a twin mom using hers at 13mos in the mall the other day - her babies were small enough and still fit into their car seats - so why not?

    one of my boys was out of the car seat at 4mo - my "biggie smalls", Gibson -- so we stopped using it then- but i JUST moved Gray out of the infant seat last week - almost 13mos...

    if they'll still be the weight limit for the seats- i'd use the DSNG for sure.

  • I'll probably use it as long as I use their infant seats to carry them around (I have the Graco 35's - I know I won't carry them around in these until they're 35 pounds).  I assume I'll probably use it for the entire first year (hopefully all through winter, easier to keep them warm).
  • We stopped using ours around 9.5 months.  I say go for it.

    ETA:  At their 9 mo appt, DD was 20.5 lbs and DS was 19.8 lbs, so it worked fine.  We really just stopped using it because it wasn't as maneuverable as the city mini since they were so heavy, and I couldn't handle hauling them around in the bucket seats anymore. 

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