it's now 9:45. The Dr still hasn't gotten back to us so they've ordered another EKG to compare to the one taken yesterday.A doctor on site will compare the two and if all looks good, they'll let us go.
We don't know when the EKG person will show up though, nor how long it will take for someone to read the results. If we're out of here before midnight I'll be surprised.
In the meantime, my mom, sister and brother are all waiting at our place.
Re: Progress... sort of
Will they actually dismiss you (Q) at midnight? I could be making this up, but I thought (for insurance billing reasons) there was a cutoff time?
This must be very frustrating for you, but just try to think of this way: they aren't rushing for Q because she is healthy and isn't in need of emergency care, but yet they want to be very through an make sure she receives every test and is in the best of shape before you head home.
In the meantime, try to rest up... you're going to have a lot less free time once you're home with your lil girl. Congrats!