DH's aunt flew into town for a visit on Monday. She will be in town with DH's gma for 2 weeks.
Neighbor called DH today, while he was at work. He mentioned that he and his aunt aren't really getting along (shocker).
He asked if she can stay at our house in our guest room because gma has some appts that he needs to take her to this week and his aunt told him to take the next 2 weeks off. Her appts this week are to get her toenails cut (BLECH) and to get her hair done.
Thank goodness, we don't have our guest bedroom set up yet and it was an easy excuse to say no. Really makes me look forward to dinner this weekend.
Re: Skeevy neighbor update
It's been ongoing posts.
DH's gma lives alone and has a skeevy neighbor who is swooping in and trying to take over everything and get her $$$.
His aunt has flown in for a visit and he doesn't like it and doesn't hae the control he wants for the time being.
I don't have words for this--that is outrageous. I just can't get over that he has the balls to call and say grandma's own daughter needs another place to stay because it's messing up his plans. Is DH's grandma even aware he has made this request? How are the plans going to get G'ma to move out west with one of her other kids? I would do whatever ittakes to get her away from skeevy neighbor. There's no telling how much of her business this creep is into.
Champion--this neighbor does odd jobs and drives Dh's G'ma on errands but he charges a lot of money to do it. He is totally taking advantage of Rebekka's DH's G'ma. He has even worked his way into the will and his extended family members are hitting G'ma up for loans for 10's of 1000's of dollars. He's totally controlling G'ma and keeping her away from her own family. Family members out west want to take care of her but the neighbor has her convinced she isn't well enough to go because he knows when she's under the care of her family, his free ride comes to an end.
That's quite a recollection, Speedy.
Yes, you're right, Rebekah. SHOCKER they're not hitting it off. Hopefully his aunt will see what you have to put up with constantly and help out more. I hope your dinner goes better than you're anticipating.
thanks for info. That's terrible. Can you report him to SS or anything? Are you and your DH her only close family that live nearby? I'm with Speedy - that is outrageous that he has moved himself up into such a worthy position?
How is her overall mental/physical health? Would it be in her best interest to get court ordered health care surrogate/POA for your aunt? We had to do that for my great-uncle when one of the aides at the nursing home weasled her way into his checkbook.
great memory Speedy!
Champion - she's of sound mind and sharp as a tack. Physically, very fraile and weak. She's stubborn and doesn't want to move. I'd have her move here, but she can't do steps. I will say, she's a very difficult lady to be around and is very bitter to boot. DH loves her though and she's his only connection to his mom (she died). We are on her checking/savings account and get copies of all of her records.
DH was even floored about this. He called his gma and asked what was going on and told her what happened. We haven't anything else yet.