
Your favorite baby shower gift?

What was your favorite baby shower gift that you received? That you've given?

I am trying to pick a great gift for my sis for her shower.


Re: Your favorite baby shower gift?

  • My favorite gift I received was a digital picture frame.

    My standard gift I give (must be a favorite, then?) is the infant tub, bath book, baby wash, towel and washcloth set.

  • I like to give books, I usually pick some of my girls' favorites. 

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  • YodajoYodajo member

    Ditto about books.  You can never go wrong there.  I still am thrilled when DS gets books as gifts.

    One of the most useful baby gifts I received was the Ultimate Crib Sheet.  It makes changing the sheets on the crib a million times easier.  Not the most adorable gift, but super useful!

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • hands down the video monitor was such a great gift! we're still using it 4 years later and it's portable enough we can take it on vacation.  Its the go-to gift for close friends/family members.

    I also liked jewelry with DS's birthstone

  • I usually buy the diaper bag she registered for, then fill it with a few thing off  the registry and things I've found useful (Munchkin snack cups, formula dispenser - if I know she's using that, my fave nail clippers & aspirator, my fave bottle brush, onesies, my fave burp cloths,disposable diaper bags for dirty diapers, disposable changing mats, maybe a cute pair of Robeez shoes and/or knit hat).
  • imagepeekaboo716:

    My standard gift I give (must be a favorite, then?) is the infant tub, bath book, baby wash, towel and washcloth set.

    Ditto, i usually buy the bath stuff.

  • My favorite I received was the toy box.  My mom had bought the bedding and she had an artist friend of hers paint a toy box to match it.

    My favorite to give totally depends on the person.  I like to make blankets with cross stitching but some people don't like personal stuff like that.

  • At the shower: baby monitor

    2 weeks after DS was born:  Miracle Blanket and Happiest Baby on the Block DVD



    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
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