But Im not. I have run through so many names that I just don't want to tell anyone I know what we've picked. I figured here was safe because I don't know anyone. With DS it took forever to figure out a name so with the 2nd we are trying to get it out of the way early. I won't know what Im having until August 4th but we picked out a name for both.
Girl- Sara Mae, simple.
Boy- Spencer Anthony
It doesn't flow but we are keeping the Anthony as its my DH's name and our DS's middle name as well.
Re: Just want to shout it out!
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
I love Sara Mae, and I love Anthony (DH's middle name!) but I'm not a huge fan of Spencer.
I like your choices, but are you saying that you already have a DS whose middle name is Anthony, after your husband? I've always thought that honouring a loved one by naming a child for him or her is a wonderful idea, but does your DH need two children to honour him? What about using a name from your side of the family?
Of course I understand that in some families it's common to share names or parts of names, but to me it just seems strange.
Yes we already have a DS with the MN Anthony which is my DH's FN. He doesn't need 2 to honor him, but its a way to honor our 1st DS. DS also came up with the name Spencer as he is really hoping for a brother!