Two Under 2

side by side vs front to back strollers

can you guys talk to me about what the major differences are and why you chose one over the other? thank you so much!!

Re: side by side vs front to back strollers

  • lkf041lkf041 member

    I chose a side by side because my kids are tall and long.  I didn't want anyone kicking the back of the other one or being smushed in the back as they get older.  I also walk outside all the time and a side by side is easier to push and turn. 

    I may get a sit and stand for shopping though.  The side by side is a little big to go up and down aisles.  I just need to wait until #1 is a little older first so he will stay put:)

    DS- 11/08,  DD1 - 05/10,  DD2 - 11/11

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  • We bought a side by side (Zooper Tango) and doing all the research the front to back seems too big to manuvuer.  Go to Babies R Us or Buybuy Baby near you and try them out.  Also DS loves to look around and I can't imagine putting him or the next one in the back when they are older.  When you look also go for the overall weight of the stroller, DH wanted to make sure that I could lift it into the car. GL!
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  • I rarely post, but look over on this board once in awhile.  I had both and got rid of my front/rear stroller.  My kids actually love sitting right next to each other. so besides it being easier to get in and out of the car they were actually much happier and content vs. when they sat front and back.  Not sure how far apart your kids are, but that might be something to think about also.
  • When I take my single BOB to the mall, I have a hard enough time maneuvering around stores, I knew a side by side would never work.  I settled on the baby jogger city select for the double stroller - it's technically a tandem type stroller; however you can have the seats facing each other if you want, facing away from each other if you prefer... there are so many different configurations.  And, the best part is that the footprint of the stroller isn't much bigger than a single stroller.  It's been great!
  • I decided on a SBS.  I like how both seats can fully recline and it's easy to steer.  I mostly use the stroller outside and it fits our needs the most.  I do have a very old used tandem stroller if I feel it'll be easier for the mall but I have a feeling I'll never use it.  I only paid $6 for it.
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