South Florida Babies

cloth diapers???

Anyone use them? 

I like the idea of using them - better for the environment and the wallet, no diaper rash, etc..  But, like the glass bottles, I have a feeling it's not going to be practical (i.e., when we're out with the baby or when grandma is taking care of her).  We thought of maybe doing a combination of cloth and disposables.  We could use the cloth diapers at home and use disposables when we're out.   My mom didn't like the idea of using cloth diapers AT ALL so she would be using disposables when babysitting.  I've already started stocking up on diapers every time I do groceries, so I was wondering if I should invest in a set of cloth diapers, too.


Re: cloth diapers???

  • Make sure you're stocking up on diapers that are different sizes.  both  my girls grew so quickly, i was out of one size and into another within a month or so!

    with abby, we bought one of those HUGE size 1 boxes and i wound up giving half of it to my sil b/c she was out of them by 2 months lol


    as for the cloths.... no idea, sorry!!  i know JuneHawk used them as well as a few other mommies, but they are much braver than I!  If you want to get disposables that are better for the environment and the baby, get the 7th generations or the huggies free and clear ones.  Those, i've read, are the best and most biodegradeable.

  • We cloth diaper but use disposibles about 25% of the time. 

    The BG 3.0 are so user friendly that I've heard even some daycares will accept them.  There's a new 4.0 out but I haven't researched it yet.  The BG one size diapers are a good investment long term as baby can wear them beginning 10-12 to toddler hood. 

    If you are going to do some disposibles, personally I wouldn't get sized diapers that you would have to keep replacing as your baby grows.

    Newborns go through a lot of diapers at first, maybe 10 or so a day.  But after they get older, then it's less.  I don't mind taking cloth diapers when we go out now because I don't have to pack many.  If it's a short shopping trip he's probably going to be in the same CD when we get home.  I can even stick a disposible in my bag if he needs a change while out.

    I have a travel wet bag to put used cloth diapers in.  It also works great for spit up on clothes and swim suits!  I bought a cute one from Monkey Foot Designs on Etsy.


    I have a fact sheet that I send out to my students that are interested in CD.  It includes my washing routine and detergent recommendations.  Send me an email if you want a copy of it.

    taylynnp AT gmail DOT com


    ETA- I've also used prefolds with covers, Kissaluvs sized diapers with covers, and some AIO if you have questions on those. 

    I found the BG to be the easiest to use.  And since they don't really fit a new born right away, it allows you to get into the swing of life with a newborn without doing an extra load of laundry.

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  • imagebritishbride05:

    Make sure you're stocking up on diapers that are different sizes.  both  my girls grew so quickly, i was out of one size and into another within a month or so!

    with abby, we bought one of those HUGE size 1 boxes and i wound up giving half of it to my sil b/c she was out of them by 2 months lol


    as for the cloths.... no idea, sorry!!  i know JuneHawk used them as well as a few other mommies, but they are much braver than I!  If you want to get disposables that are better for the environment and the baby, get the 7th generations or the huggies free and clear ones.  Those, i've read, are the best and most biodegradeable.


    This is so true!  Be careful on what you stock up on.  Figure double the birth weight by 4-6 months.  And sometimes they out grow the diaper before they reach the weight limit.  By out growing, I mean the diapers start to leak or you have poo blow outs.  That can be a sign that you need a bigger diaper.


    And another alternative like pp said if you want to use a eco friendly disposible are the gdiapers.  I think Baby Love has a small display of them.  With gdiapers you can either use the cloth insert or a disposible insert.  My friend used those when her son was small.

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  • I use the BumGenius 3.0 too.  They are great and really absorbent.  I was CDing exclusively from about 1 month till 4 months and now I do both.  I found that when Hunter was in the newborn diaper size, the cloth diapers were still too big and leaked often (I think they are recommended for 10 lbs and up).  Look around for the best price though - I got a few on and some at Target with my 10% completion coupon.  They were only available at Target online at the time - not sure if they still carry them...

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  • Thanks for all the info, ladies.  I found a local company that will deliver CDs and pick them up for washing every week, but they are the kind that you have to fold and pin.  I'm going to continue looking into this.  We could always give it a shot and if it doesn't work out, I have some disposables on standby.

    Tracy - YGM. 

  • imageMrsJOSEnADRI:


    Tracy - YGM. 


    Hmm, I never got an email from you. 

    I just sent you a PM with the info.  If you have any questions, please ask!  GL with your research.

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  • We used them for each kid for a while (although on neither of them as newborns).  We stopped w/ Cedric b/c it was too difficult to do them only in the evenings and weekends (the old daycare wouldn't take them).  Plus he got a really bad rash one time (from using an antibiotic--that always messes him up), and although I thought the cloth would help, the only diapers that worked to help get rid of that one bad rash were the Pampers Baby Dry.  Those became a habit and we never went back even when he got better from the rash (again, too difficult with only doing it part-time--took forever to get enough dirties to make a load, and they really need to be washed every day or two, IMHO). 

    We used them for a shorter time with Graciela for similar reasons.

    Still, I think if I had been a SAHM, I would have persevered and used them.  I liked the Bum Genius best, but I also tried the pre-folds w/ whisper ? wraps and Kissaluvs and Happy Heinies.   Now I use my stash of cloth diapers as her swim diapers.  I think her current school would let us use them as long as we provided a wetbag to drop the dirty diapers in. 

    You can make it easier on a caretaker (like your mom) by using an easy one like Bum Genius.  All she would have to do is take off the dirty/wet diaper and drop it in the wet bag for you.  You would have enough dirty/wet diapers to do a load regularly.  They really were pretty easy.  They do need to be changed more quickly than disposables, though.

    There is lots of info available on different websites. Can't remember them now ( is one).


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