TTC after 35

dotted red line on FF

so FF detected my O date, but it did so with a dotted red line.  I know that means that my fertility signs don't line up exactly. I think it's because my elevated temps have been on the lower side. if FF is right, I'm 3 DPO.

 my question -- has anyone ever gotten a dotted red line that turned into a solid red line later on in the cycle?


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Re: dotted red line on FF

  • I think I have, I can't remember. I've also had solids turn into dotted lines half way through my 2ww before. Go figure.

    Are you temping and checking cm?  I know the dotted lines can also mean there's not enough data to definitely say you O 'so this is our best guess' sort of thing.  Also, a +OPK and temping or cm can give you a solid line too.



  • yes, using OPKs and checking CM. got a positive OPK on CD 14, and FF said I O'd on CD 16, which makes sense. CM is sooo scant I often don't have anything to input on my chart. ugh. (using pre-seed.)

    I swear -- charting is stressful enough. this dotted line is going to drive me freaking crazy!

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  • This probably doesn't help much, but I had the opposite occur, a solid red line that went dotted when I marked that I had EWCM at something like 8 or 9 dpo.  Fertile CM after O will cause FF to doubt. 

    But like Chicken said, I think FF needs both temps and fertile CM at the right time to indicate a solid crosshairs.

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  • When I hit 'post' I thought 'd'uh she knows that about OPK's'  


    Anyway, one of the reasons I stopped charting was because of the stress because I hated every second of it.   I get up a couple times a night to use the bathroom so it makes it hard to get an accurate temp reading and, like you, my cm isn't noticeable.   It also helped that and my RE said he would tell me when I would ovulate so I didn't need to chart.   I can't remember, are you seeing an RE or just trying on your own?

  • yes. seeing an RE. all tests for DH and me are fine, so the mystery continues... (DH is dead set against treatment -- any treatment, other than natural remedies. sigh.)

     we have a follow-up with RE this month, so I hope RE can talk some sense into DH for at least Clomid!

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  • How often do you see your RE through your cycle? I wonder if he can give you hints of when you are about to ovulate?

    My husband and I agreed to not do IVF (too expensive, we would put that money towards adoption) and initially IUI but I'm kind of waffling on the IUI.

    For the time being we are...well I am...doing Gonal-f w/trigger and TI which is pretty easy.

    Hopefully you both can come to an agreement that you both are happy with. 

  • I don't see RE regularly. DH and I have just gone through all the testing, so our next appointment will really determine a lot in terms of next steps. I'm hoping RE can put DH's mind at ease about some lower level treatment. it's hard, because DH only agreed to TTC on the condition that we not seek treatment if we couldn't conceive naturally.

     I think DH would feel differently if we didn't already have a kid, but he'd be perfectly happy just stopping at one. he's TTC-ing because I have such a deep, deep need to give DS a sibling.

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