what happens with the other twin? do they tend to wake? does it depend on how loud the CIo is? any experience would be appreciated. DS sttn, DD is a nightmare. Getting up to eat once (out of habit I think, not hunger) but fusses like 4 or 5 times more during the night, crying out, "yelling" etc. I know I should wait one more month (they are a few days short of 5 months), but its starting to get non functional here. DD up a few times, DS gets up at 5. DH and I are barely awake during the day. I can't really move their cribs mostly because the only other room I have is literally 2 steps away - like the door form an L shape with about 6 inches of wall in between. they are so close. I was tempted to put the co sleeper in my room, but she sleeps junky in there, like 30 minutes at time. At least in the crib, we get a few hours. I have posted on here trying to solve the problems peice meal, but I don't think I can anymore..... any ideas for a tired group?
Re: if you need to let one CIO and not the other.....
First, have you read Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child? I highly recommend it for solving sleep issues! (It has good trouble-shooting sections.) there's also a section on multiples. I really think it could help you.
And as for separating them, I would try leaving them in the same room for a week or two if you do CIO and if your other LO doesn't get used to sleeping through the noise, then I'd actually move the good sleeper into your room for a bit until the other LO starts STTN (or at least closer to it).
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
i agree on heathy sleep habits, happy child. for us, it was the one that worked, though i bought/read several others.
we let audrey cio at about 5mos gest age, and vivienne only had to be taken out of the nursery twice i think. she did wake at times, and would cry a little, or talk to audrey, and went back to sleep. they get used to each other's crying for the most part.
we set up a PNP in our room just in case vivi needed to come in. i really think it was twice she came in, and we only kept her in there until audrey was back to sleep. then vivi went back to her crib.
GL!! i remember being sooo sleep deprived i couldn't think straight.
HSHHC worked for us. BUT, i read it over and over and over at different points... not such a fan of his writing style, especially when you're sleep deprived. my neighbor/friend was dealing with sleep issues with her LO and we would reference the book with specific pages all the time. it really helped having someone decode his writing with me
this was true for us as well.
I was always told twins won't wake each other. In our case that has been totally the opposite. Ours wake each other all the time. Currenty we have DD in the PNP in our room ( the screamer) and my other in his crib. The night waking goes in spurts but right now our DD is up at 3 or 4am and our DS STTN unless his sister is in the room with him
PS: we did modified cry it out for naps and bedtime starting at around 3mths depending on the need ( i.e. just overtired crying) They go down so easy now, no fussing and are happier after a good long sleep. I want to try CIO overnight with our DD but we live in an apt. and I am worried neighbors will complain if I let her CIO at 3 or 4 am
...moving to a house soon and we will be starting the night feed CIO then!