

Hey!  I saw your question and wanted to respond. 

I was converted to an IUI due to low response.  My first IVF I had 16 eggs retrieved, 11 mature with only one ovary.  This time I developed a lead follicle early.  On day 4, I already had measureable follies at 9mm and 10mm, but only 2.  The RE increased my meds.  One developed into a lead follie.  On stim day 8, I only had 2 follies, a 18 mm and a 20 mm.  Because I had such a good response the first time, they would not proceed to ER.

It totally sucks.  35 shot IUI.  Of course I would love a miracle, but an not hopeful.  I am really disappointed.  This roller coaster kills me. 

Hopefully I answered your question.  I hope your journey is going well and smoothly!! :o

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