I've notice that lately, every time Gibs posts, shi t stirrer comes out to play. It's strange to me because Gibs isn't here all the time, but as soon as she posts BAM--there's shi t stirrer. I don't think Gibs IS shi t stirrer. I'm just wondering what it is about Gibs that inspires someone to haul out the A/E just to kiss Gibs ass. Any theories on who it could be or what the motivation is?
Re: What's your theory on Gibs/Shi T stirrer?
Shi T Stirrer=Emjay whatever her name is
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I remember the name but i don't remember the drama--what was her story and why does she seem to be obsessed with Gibs?
Emjay is married to a 5th grader. Gross.
And yes, Gibles n' bits does seem to have a fan. I always wondered if they have a walkie talkie or something. "Yo, psssst. head on over to Parenting. 3rd post down. Stat!"
I saw s h i t once w/ out gibs and she was on her own with an original thought.
Since then - only when gibs is around. I definitely don't think it's gibs - why bother, you know?
A walkie talkie perhaps, or maybe they have an adjoining bathroom in the basement.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
It's because mel and I are AWE-SOME.
Honestly though, I'm pretty sure she's said rude sh*t to me in the past, but it makes me laugh.
I like gibs, too - so maybe that's why? I think she's enjoyable.
Awwwww... feeling such love. :-)
And cracking up at the idea of walkie-talkie-ing s h it stirrer or saying hi in the connecting bathroom. you guys are funny.
I've seen her cross some serious lines a couple of times, but aside from that she generally makes me laugh. And there are several occasions where I totally agree with her.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I would like to take the stand and defend myself.
I have never ever commented on anyone's appearance, that I recall. The one exception may be that I did honestly think that a pre-K kid was a girl, not a boy, based upon eyelashes and long hair and the shirt color. So sue me. Geebuz.
See I either laugh because it's funny and spot on or because it's outrageous and over the line (i.e., ridiculous and not spot on). It really doesn't matter what she says - I'm usually amused.
I'm sure there's a time or two I'm forgetting where I thought "holy sh*t" but even when she's being over the line, I'm not bothered. It's part of her charm.
ETA: I'm also 99% sure that people think I have said things that are over the line at times, so I'm sure my "over the line" perspective is different. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm unoffendable when it comes to the internet.
That is the thing, this is the internet. While there are some valid friendships here, you can not hold an internet stranger on a public message board with such high regard that you start foaming at the mouth if they tell you you're an idiot. Or that you should discover Google. Or that you should not ask a public message board to dx your baby.
Alright you jealous hookers... I am not shiitstirrer. I post under my name, and my name only.
Yea, I have a sexy 25 year old man... and the fact that Melwhatever her name is seems to keep bringing it up just shows me you wish you could pull that off.
Bubblytoes and her yarn obsession... don't accuse me of being anyone else unless you have a half a clue what you're talking about.
I have no problem posting a flame or being supportive to someone under MY NAME. EMJAY221. That's MJ (my first and middle initials) and my birth month and day.
So.... keep hating on me, all of you crabby old ladies...
Oh and there was a post where I think Gibs and I both posted AS WELL as shiitstirrer. Some post about "opinions on her DS" or whatever...
Now, ladies... go do your wifely duties and earn those "paychecks".
By the way Bubblytoefungus... I'm glad I made such an impression on you. Nice to be remembered.
I think Gibs is the shiz and shi t stirrer is a wanna be. fo sho
Says the newbie with 3 posts.......