
How to find

a BM to adopt from?  I have no idea how this works. Thanks!
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Re: How to find

  • amm78amm78 member

    Wow, that's a question that has several answers! :)


    Lots of people on here recommend some beginner books on adoption... Adoption for Dummies is one I see mentioned a lot.  When I first started, I researched a lot of information on the internet about the adoption process in general and what our options were.

    We decided to go with an agency.  We are in the homestudy process right now, but once we are totally approved, we will have a profile (called a Dear Birthmother Letter) that will be sent out to any expecting mother who contacts the agency and has a situation that matches our profile preferences.  

    I can't tell you much about the other options, like using an adoption attorney or facilitator or searching on your own.  I'm sure other posters will chime in.

    Good luck!

  • Million dollar question ;-)

     PP gave a good reply.  We also chose an agency to work with and they worked on the matching (potential birth mothers look through profile/scrapbooks and select a family).  That's it in a nutshell.  The whole process is pretty complicated and can take weeks or months.  Long before you are a "waiting" family you need to go through the home study process (interviews, home visits and A LOT of paperwork).  We waited for 4 months to be selected. Some others wait days, and others, years. 

    Read through Adoption for Dummies.  We attended several agency information sessions prior to selecting an agency.  Each of those sessions were very helpful.  Good luck!

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  • We worked with a local agency that does domestic/international adoptions.  In the domestic program, birthparents look through profiles that adoptive couples make and the birthparents choose an adoptive couple.  It take months or, in some cases, years.  Our agency said 2 years is the average for them (but our wait happened to be much shorter.)

    I would research basic adoption information - on the internet and get a couple books.  Contact some of your local agencies and ask for information.

    You can also go through a facilitator or an adoption attorney, but I am not sure how that would work.  You could probably contact a couple in your area and get more info.


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  • I'm a BM and I got lucky that my cousins were looking to adopt, and were more than happy to adopt my LO... But had I not had them? I was planning on going with a family that I would find through social connections or a very relaxed agency... I like to personally know the people adopting my daughter, and I know a lot of BM are like that... not always the BF. Sometimes a baby needing a home can be found in the strangest places... for example my story lol... I would recommend researching agencies in your area and find one you are comfortable with, and also, spread your story around to those you are comfortable talking to. You never know... someone may know someone looking to give their LO up for adoption, and is so desperately wanting to find one through connections rather than a book-and-picture agency where you only know the couple or BM through a book and the agency's workers.
  • If interested in using an attorney, here is a link  -

     It sounds like you are interested in a domestic infant program.  As pp have recommended, attend some free informational seminars by local adoption agencies and read Adoption for Dummies.



    TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages. Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011. VOTE on my Name List Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We were asked to adopt DD through extended family. DH can not have children and they knew that. We really were not looking to adopt but we can not imagine not having DD now that we do.
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