hi everyone,
. . .do people know how to pronounce this name?
my husband loves shea for a middle name. we need one that starts with "s" (after my grandmother). i also like it bc i grew up in new york and was a mets fan. (the name of their old stadium)
i'm just wondering if everyone is familiar and would pronounce this name correctly. (shay) we're using "Mia" for a first name, so i don't want people to think her name is pronounced "mia shee-a"
Re: shea
Will you be using her first and middle name? Otherwise it's a moot point.
I think it's sounds fine and a pretty name.
I think anyone with half a brain knows how to pronounce Shea. Those who don't don't matter.
Cute name!
Like shae butter, I assume.
Confession: I was a very advanced reader (reading Jean Plaidy/Ken Follett/other assorted historical smut at 12). However, the Babysitters Club was my guilty pleasure. There was a little girl named Shea and I always thought it was She-ah. I think I was about 18 before I realized that was wrong. It also took me awhile to figure out why Chelsea was pronounced "Chel-see" and not "Chel-see-ah" and why I went to school with a "Lea" who pronounced it "Lee". It was just one of those things for me, I guess.
That said, I am not a fan of that name but I love Mia.
It's pronounced Shay. Like Lay.
I used to babysit a Shea. I like the name a lot. I called her Shea Butter sometimes
she was a cutie.
I think they will