We used my Choo Choo Wagon twice this weekend and it was so helpful and just overall great. The kids love riding in it and its a lot easier to pull them than try and hold onto them since they are all too big for a stroller. We got so many compliments on it and other little kids wanted to sit in it. (when we were sitting down at a table eating.) One night we went to a huge fair and the other we went to a festival to watch fireworks.
With that being said I am trying to sell it and after being stopped twice by MoMs I think I may have someone interested in it but not sure. She was only 7wks pg with triplets. I told them the price and they took my number.
So, if you have twins and a small toddler or triplets or even just twins (the 3rd car can be used as storage or taken off) this is a wagon.
I am still going to post it on craigslist if I dont hear from them in the next few days. I need to sell it and get it out of my moms garage.
If anyone is interested PM me. It is in excellent condition with little to no sun fading, still has all 3 seat belts, and looks great.
i'm confused- why are you selling if you love it so much?
I'm hoping to buy one for next spring/summer.... the boys were in a wagon for the first time this weekend and did really well- but can't be trusted that much yet to get the choo choo (they were in a friend's wagon and had daddy walking right next to them the whole time in case they decided to climb out).
i saw someone with it with 3 cars + a storage car at the fireworks.
Sorry to post and run. Dh needed his laptop to do some homework.
Anyways...Im wanting to sell it for a couple of reasons. Mainly we dont have a place to store it other than my moms garage. Its a PITA to have to drive to her house every time we want to use it and then take it back.
Secondly because my kids are outgrowing it. While they LOVE it they also enjoy walking some and I know next summer they wont want to ride in it. So I figure I would sell it this summer/early fall. Dh and I are going away for a long weekend for our 6th anniversary and was thinking if I sell it before then we could use the money while on out trip.
I would love to sell you mine!!