
XP: Shaking when excited

Hi ladies...

Do any of you have a LO who shakes when he/she gets excited about something? 

DS has been doing this thing usually when he's excited about something.  He opens his mouth like he's going to say something, but then kind of stiffens up and starts shaking.  He will stop when you say something to him. 

My DH is really concerned about it cause he does it quite a bit.  To me it seems like he is just unable to express what he wants to say at that moment and that's what he does...almost like a studder.

Re: XP: Shaking when excited

  • Kate started doing something similar a little before her 2nd birthday.  She would get a super excited face (mouth open - eyes wide), her hands would stiffen and come up near her mouth.  She would stop on her own and she would start on her own.  It's became known as her "super excited face". 
    The only thing that sounds different from what you wrote about your little one is that Kate is in complete control and not in any type of trance. 
    We joke about it now and last night when we were waiting for fireworks we would encourage her to do her "super excited face". 

    Until you talk to your pedi I would make sure to not criticize, put down or otherwise draw any attention to the behavior (not that you are- just saying).  If there is a problem you don't want to start with the wrong foundation to correct it. I also wouldn't turn it into a game (like we did) if you're concerned that it's not normal.  I knew K was just having fun and being dramatic so we turned it into a game of sorts.  But if you're worried again I wouldn't make it game; again- builds the wrong foundation to correct the behavior later.  
    Oh and I would try to video the behavior.  It will give the pedi something more to go off of.  
    I'm sure everything will be just fine. 

  • Thank you for your responses ladies.  It's hard to google something like this! lol

    I wish I could describe it better for you.  He is in complete control when he does it and will stop on his own.  My husband tends to stop him immediately when he starts because it scares him. 

    We are making an appt with his pediatrician and will take a video of him doing it.  I honestly believe it is just him getting so excited he is unable to express himself.

    Thank you again for responding.  I will update after his appt.

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  • Totally normal. My friend's son did this until he was 4 or 5. They are just excited. If there's no other behavior that concerns you, I'd not give it a second thought.



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