
kicking question...

I know this sounds really weird, but here it goes:

Is it possible for babies to kick so much that I can get black and blue.  On the top of my stomach (right underneath my breast), I have always had bad pain when I am pregnant.  The doctors ruled out everything.  Normally it hurts more on my left than my right, but over the past week, the right has been hurting all the time.  It does not only hurt when I am full, but all the time.  I can't even lay on my right side.  When I was analyzing my new stretch marks, I found that I am black and blue right where it hurts.  It is not in a place that I could be hit, so I can't think of what else it would be from.  Any ideas?

TIA!  Sorry if this is too much info - just finding this weird and wanted some other opinions. 

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Re: kicking question...

  • I had pain there on the right side for about a month, it felt like a strong burning sensation and I asked my OB and she said it was most likely the baby pushing against a nerve or nerves - there are a bunch of them that run under and around the ribs. 

    It felt like bad sunburn on the inside of my body and it was worse at night, but a couple weeks after the babies dropped it gradually went away.

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