
My Bella Puppy is really sick :(

This is my pity party. Welcome to it.

CRAP, I really feel like the gods hate me or something.  It's one thing after another and never ends!   As some of you know, earlier this year we lost two old & loved furbabies within 2 weeks and then we got a new puppy, Bella, who turned 6 months old last Wed. (her cute self is pictured in my siggy).

Well, she started throwing up around 4 am and by 7 am she has since been throwing up every 5 minutes, can't hold food or any water down.  We happened to already have a vet appointment this morning for something else so 2 hours and $570 later, after lot's of blood work, xrays, medications, shots, fluids, we are back home with a very sick puppy and will wait it out today and tomorrow to see if she might pass something on her own (think it's an obstruction) and if no improvement then she goes in at 7am Monday morning for surgery ($1,500-$2,000).   Obviously we love her to death and will do anything to save her, but the money is a hard pill to swallow because every extra penny is supposed to be going towards the adoption :(    I feel so bad for her and I don't know how I will ever survive this weekend.  She is so hungry and thirsty but everything just comes right back up.   I can only begin to imagine what it is stuck in there :(   a dryer sheet, part of one of her babies?   The vet did give us the option to go straight to surgery but they are only open until noon, so right after major surgery we would have to transport her to the emergency vet for observation, way to stressful on her and us and he is confident to give it the weekend until first thing Monday as there is the slightest chance it may work itself out. I on the other hand am not as confident, she is so not herself and it's awful to watch her throw up so much.  I love that little dog so damn much!

Please send prayers for our sweet little Bella B.   (and us.... I am such an emotional wreck right now, I feel like it's one bad thing after another and that I am being punished or something... the thought of losing her.. hell, we just got her!)  Yesterday I came home at 12:30 to let her out and then head to a Dr. appointment to get an adoption form filled out and when I went to leave my car wouldn't start!   So thankfully my sister is off for the summer and came and took me to the Dr. and of course the appointment took forever and now Bella.... not a good start to a fun holiday weekend.  I feel a black cloud looming.......  someone please shoosh it away.

Thanks for listening.... I will now step down off my soap box (only because I need some tissues :(

All I can say or think right now is W T F

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Re: My Bella Puppy is really sick :(

  • Oh no!  Poor puppy!  Will you get back any of the test results today (like the x-rays?) to help make a decision?  Ugh, it's so hard when they do something on the weekend!
  • I am so sorry about your Bella. (((hugs)))
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  • I'm so sorry about your puppy.  It's so hard when our furry babies are suck.  I'll be thinking about you and her.

  • I'm so sorry. :(

    Having sick puppies is so, so hard. 

    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • Oh no!! I hope she is is so scary when our fur babies are sick!
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  • albjagalbjag member


    I send you a PM on FB too


    Surprise BFP after 5 yrs of TTC
  • JM1977JM1977 member
    Thinking of you!  (((HUGS)))
    TTC with DOR, low morphology, fertilization issues
    IVF#1 Oct 2009 (CCRM) - BFN
    IVF#2 March 2010 - Poor response/cancelled
    DE IVF#1 Aug 2010 - BFN
    DE IVF#2 Dec 2010 - Transferred 1, 2 frozen - BFP!
    TTC#2 FET Jan 2013 - Transferred 1 - BFP!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Oh no. I hope Bella is feeling better soon. Thinking of you. ((hugs))
    ? We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness... ?

    12/99 - Miscarriage at 12w - 6/08 - BFP - Miscarriage at 8w, 9/08 - BFP - Miscarriage at 8w2d, 12/08 - Found out I am a carrier of a Balanced Translocation between Chromosomes 8 & 16, 8/2010 - DE IVF = FAIL. 12/18/10 - Surprise BFP! Awaiting our Sticky Miracle! 12/20 - Beta #1-1208 * 12/27 Beta #2 - 6002 1/3/11 Beta #3 - 17,146. Beautiful little heart beating away! Stick little one, stick!

    ♥ Brielle Skye born August 17th, 2011 ♥ Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Oh no!! Poor thing (you and her). If she isn't able to keep any fluid down I would be extremely concerned waiting all weekend. T&Ps to you.
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  • I'm praying for your Bella! It's ridiculous how much it costs to keep your pet healthy. We put thousands of dollars into keeping our little man alive 4 years longer than he was expected to live. How do you say no??

    Sorry you're going through this. Lots and lots of hugs!

    IUI #1 and #2 = BFN
    IVF#1 = BFN, no frosties

    IVF #2 = BFP!! TWINS!!! Born 3/9/12

    FET #1 = BFP!!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    BabyFruit Ticker
  • awww so sorry to hear your baby Bella is sick :( Have you tried wet food? When our dog couldn't keep food or water down, we gave her wet food which worked well (Blue Buffalo Chicken Homestyle Flavor) It is something like 70% water so it helped with food and water intake.  We gave her really small amounts, 4x a day until she could take other food and water. We also had her drink out of a small measuring cup so we could monitor giving her only small amounts at a time. Its crazy how much pet stuff costs, but they know when our fur babies are sick, we will pay anything to fix them. Good luck, I hope she feels better!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Oh no!! Poor pup. I hope she passes whatever she has through her system and that she doesn't have to have surgery. Sending you positive vibes!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Poor little girl. I'm so sorry and I hope this is all over soon!
  • Do you have an emergency animal hospital nearby just incase Bella gets worse before Monday? If so, I suggest you find out their info & keep it handy!

    Honestly, I am really bothered by this. If your vet suspects an obstruction & Bella is having all the classic signs & symptoms of an obstruction then why is she not having exploratory surgery before Monday? I hate to say this, but if that is truly what is going on with her then she may not make it to Monday. Bowel obstruction in a dog is VERY serious & needs to be addressed right away...not 2 days after the fact.

    My sister's schnauzer had the same symptoms as Bella 2 mos ago. The vet did xrays & didn't see anything so he suggested they do exploratory surgery. When they did, they found a baby wipe in his bowel, removed it along with 6" of bowel because the tissue had died from the obstruction. The vet said another 24 hours & her dog would have died.

    You can educate yourself on the seriousness of Canine Bowel Obstruction & what to watch for by reading this link:

    I am praying that your Bella doesn't have to go through any surgery & can pass the obstruction naturally! Please keep us informed on how the situation turns out!

  • Oh No!

    I'm sending lots of T&Ps to both you and Bella.

  • Oh, no. I hope Bella is OK and feels better soon.
  • Poor puppy, sending you some prayers for her. ::hugs::
    TTC since April 2008

    Me: PCOS/Amenorrhea DH: Azoospermia due to Y Chromosome Micro Deletion IVF w/ ICSI on hold until further notice


  • Poor little sweetie!  She's in my prayers.  I hope she gets better, anangelbug.
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  • I'm sorry Bella is sick... I hope she's able to pass whatever it is on her own, if that is the issue, and doesn't need surgery.  My kitty Lucy just had this same exact problem in May.  Throwing up everything, even water, and bellowing so low... it was so sad.  I took her into the vet and they put her on antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea meds in the hopes of controlling the puking and just in case she did have an obstruction. 

    When it continued the next day, I took her in for x-rays and she was so dehydrated at that point they had to give her fluids and keep her for observation.  Two days later, they did a barium swallow series which showed the obstruction. 

    She apparently passed whatever it was, stayed an extra night for observation, and was luckily able to *just narrowly* avoid surgery... she was having it that next morning if she hadn't passed by then... 4 days later! 

    I hope she doesn't drag this out for you and gets better soon.  It is so hard when your furbabies are sick, especially since they can't tell you what's wrong.  I cried many tears that week.  You and your pup will be in my thoughts & prayers.  Keep us updated!

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  • OH NO!!!!  Is Bella doing any better?!?!?!  Poor baby!!!!  One of my fufbabies once ate one of her toys and was throwing up like crazy.  Thankfully she ended up throwing it up and didn't need surgery.  I hope your furbaby is OK!  I hope your OK!  Hang in there!
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