**~Future Mama to my June "Sprout"~**
EDD- 06/13/2017
**Stinkerbelle-8-27-10 * Mr.P's 2nd Mama 7-27-07**
on picking out a name, I was pretty certain I wanted something with a K and now as I was looking at some different names I am so not sure, talk about frustration. I still love Kourtlynne, but if I do use it I think I would spell it Courtlin. Here are some of the names I have found that I like:
Ailey, Amberly, Ayla, Briar,Brynn, Calliope, Evangelina, Gianna, Gwendolyn, Indira, Isis, Isolde, Jerrica, Julissa, Kimber, Kenna, Kristalyn
I havent looked any farther yet, if i get to many i think its going to make it harder....?
Re: Hmmm Maybe I rushed...
I love Gianna.
No offence but Kourtlynne is pretty bad. Like, she'll have to spell her name for the rest of her life and she'll hate it.
I like it better now with a C and shortened but I am liking alot of these other names too, Gianna is one that popped right off my screen at me.
EDD- 06/13/2017
**Stinkerbelle-8-27-10 * Mr.P's 2nd Mama 7-27-07**
Kourtlynne/Courtlin is pretty bad.
Brynn, Gianna, Gwendolyn are good.. the others are really out there.
I am scared to finish looking..ha..well I might as well see what else I like. Thanks for the imput.
EDD- 06/13/2017
**Stinkerbelle-8-27-10 * Mr.P's 2nd Mama 7-27-07**
~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~
I vote for Brynn, Calliope or Gianna.
Kourtlynne/Courtlin is definitely NMS. Good luck!
I'm so glad you're exploring other options! Kourlynne made me want to poke out my eyes! From your list I like the following (some combined fn/mn)
Ayla (also like Isla)
Briar (LOVE- am a huge Sleeping Beauty fan!)
Calliope Brynn (I think sounds cute together)
Gianna (also like Giada)
Gwendolyn (cute, also love Gwnyth (sp?)
Kenna is okay...Brenna is cute too. I don't care for Indira but I love India (Indie)
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
Me too! This is very unique and pretty.
I see you have Isis on your list, have you considered Isla (Eye-la)? I love this name. I think it's very pretty and feminine.
I also like Brynn, Ayla and Gianna from your list.
I love Calliope and Gianna!
Out of the rest of your list I also like Gwendolyn and maybe Amberly.
<a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=6sdydj" target="_blank"><img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/6sdydj.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
Kourtlynne is problematic.
Out of the rest of your list, I like the ones in bold:
Ailey, Amberly, Ayla, Briar,Brynn, Calliope, Evangelina, Gianna, Gwendolyn, Indira, Isis, Isolde, Jerrica, Julissa, Kimber, Kenna, Kristalyn
Do not name your child "Ailey." It makes her sound sick. And Kimber is a boy's name. I'm with the others about considering Isla, as well. It's a nice halfway point between Ayla and Isolde.
I like Evangeline. Gianna, Gwendolyn, and Isis are okay. Not a fan of the rest, especially Kristalyn, Amberly (isn't this a band or something?), and Courtlin. Please don't use Kourtlynne. It's awful.
I also love Gianna! What a pretty name.
I understand that it must be frustrating. It's also a lot of fun. Being able to take constructive criticism from the Baby Naming board shows that you are very considerate. Cheers!
After 31 cycles, baby boy K (IUI) born 11/03/11
BFP (Femara) - 08/09/13 m/c around 6 weeks. xoxox Baby April
Rainbow baby girl E (Femara) born 11/16/16
LOVE Gianna! also love Gia, and I agree if you like nicknames then Gia works well for Gianna!
BFP #1 - m/c on 12.22.09 @ 8w3d
BFP #2 - d&c on 07.22.10 @11w1d
BFP #3 - DS born on 06.22.11 @41w3d!
BFP #4 - Due 04.24.13
EDD- 06/13/2017
**Stinkerbelle-8-27-10 * Mr.P's 2nd Mama 7-27-07**