
Anyone use the Tommee Tippee straw cups?

I just got some for DD today.  I took them apart to clean and absolutely can't get them back together so that they work.  I've looked at the directions and I can't figure out what's wrong.  I can't get anything to come out through the straw.  Are there any tricks I'm missing?

I feel so dumb that I can't figure out a sippy cup.  Smile  Should have got the Playtex ones, I guess!

Gavin - 12.05.06 and Molly - 10.22.08
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Re: Anyone use the Tommee Tippee straw cups?

  • We have than, and they're a major PITA to put together! We barely use them bc they're such a pain. You have to make sure the straw part creates a seal by carefully pushing it all the way around if that makes sense.
  • you will find videos showing how to put it together

    on  :

    click on Explora > drinking cups > click on any of the straw cups and find the 'youtube' 

    and also on :

    in the search window put  active straw, click on the picture and there click on 'watch the video'


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  • Thanks for the YouTube video! I finally figured it out after watching that!
    Gavin - 12.05.06 and Molly - 10.22.08
    my read shelf:
    Emily's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)
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