so dh its been OOT this hole week, i manage to pick up ds at my lunch break each day and my wonderful brother was "babysitting" for me.. now i mentioned to dh that if his mom wanted to take him one night she could so he could have time with grandma, also it helps me to not be in a hurry all the time to go get him etc..
well tuesday we agreed she would go get him, she is using dhs truck because SIL had to use her truck for something.. i asked her to go ahead and get help from SIL's bf to install the carseat because it wasnt installed in dhs truck (we took another truck one time to go shoping and since he was leaving oot he didnt bother to install the carseat back in his truck)
so i pick up ds from MILs last night and when i go to get his diaper bag out of the truck i noticed ds's car seat was LOSE! the top lacth wasnt even hooked or anything.. i didnt want to overreact since she was being nice enough to get him.. but it seriously freaked me out.. she took him to walmart and to Mcds so i know they been running around town..
i dont wanna be rude or anything but i dont know how to aproach this.. i'm concerned that next time she picks up ds the carseat (if its not installed by dh) its gonna be lose and i dont want that.. should i just tell dh and have him talk to his mom or should i just tell her myself?? wwyd?
me and MIL get along good, but we have had our rough patches.. thanks for any advice and sorry so long!
Re: wwyd???
I don't think you need to come across rude. Just tell her you noticed that the carseat was loose so next time you or your dh see her, you guys want to show her how to properly install the carseat that way your ds is safe while visiting with her.
This is why I don't trust my DS to ride with family members who haven't been properly taught how to install a seat or had it installed by someone who is trained.
My MIL still doesn't understand why I don't let my 5 year old ride in her booster seat... he is still under 40 pounds and wriggly.... but my SIL has had her daughter in it since she was 3 years old!