TTC after 35

paging our TTC35+ graduates....

Not sure about anyone else...but I'm in need of an update from you all...and I feel like a creep stalking you ladies.   Embarrassed 

But, I did see a super cute bump on Izzourclue from the Jan 2011 board; hope I didn't freak her out by 'stalking' her.   LOL!


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Re: paging our TTC35+ graduates....

  • Definitely didn't freak me out at all.  Thanks for the shout out!  My tummy has been so bloated at night, cute is not the word I've been using for it, but I'll take the compliment.  

    Update on me...  Last appt went great.  We are in the process of sharing the news with family and friends.  Made my big u/s (19 weeks) appt today.  They are making me see a genetic counselor at that appt due to my "advanced maternal age."  Wanted to tell the lady to eff herself, but refrained.  Its their "standard of care."  They did tell me to bring a writable DVR disc to record the u/s so that will be really cool.  Other than that feeling pretty good :)

    I give up trying to get a ticker.  I have a DD that is 2.5 years old and is awesome.  Maybe I'll add a quote to distinguish myself.  Hmmm.  How about...

    "It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?" - A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
  • ::eye roll::  yeah, that whole advanced maternal age comment would probably set me off too!   LOL!

    Glad you are doing well!  How cool that you can bring your own CD/DVD to record the u/s!  Have a great time spreading the news to your family and deserve it!


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  • I check back here every time I go to the bump so I can see how all of my friends are doing. I think that another wave of BFPs are definitely due on this board! I feel great, only had some issues with smells and gagging. DH and I had our NT scan this week and our risk of a Downs baby is 1 in 2,500 and the risk of it having Trisomy 18 is 1 in 10,000. That, and seeing our baby's hands and feet made me finally feel pregnant instead of scared! I am crossing my fingers for so many of you who will be testing soon! :)
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  • Hiya Lizzy!  The NT results sound great...and how cool you got to see hands and feet!!  Too cute!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm 30 weeks now with boy/girl twins and just starting to feel really, really pregnant.  This pregnancy has been much more difficult than, with Emerson.

    I wouldn't change it for the world though and no bedrest yet!  I think I have another 5 or 6 weeks and then, if they aren't here my OB will go ahead and take them!


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  • Hey!

    All is great with me so far.  Have my NT scan on Tuesday and very excited to see the LO and hoping to have a great appointment.  I feel like a total fat ass, but can't blame pregnancy, I blame myself for not losing the 20 extra lbs I was carrying around when I got KU, so yeah...a little scared what the scale will read at 40 weeks.  Indifferent The extra weight makes me feel unhealthy and jiggly.  Trying to let go of that and just keep the weight gain to something reasonable and deal with it all in February.  Food aversions are finally abating, so I am trying to work in some more veggies since they were on my hate list for the past couple months. 

  • Hi all,

      Thanks for asking for this update. I'm always checking in on you ladies. I'm now almost 13 weeks and feeling well. I had my NT scan this past Tuesday, but have not gotten the results yet. The tech said everything looked good, but we have to wait on the bloodwork.Keeping my fingers crossed for good news. I'm hoping that there will be a lot of BFP's for you all soon.

  •   I come back and lurk every so often to see how all the ladies here are doing.  I don't think the IF feeling ever goes away no matter how pregnant I get.

       I am now 34 weeks.  On Tuesday, I got sent to the hospital for bedrest because of pre-eclampsia.  My blood pressure was high and I had large amounts of protein in my urine.  I have been here 4 days and my blood pressure is now back to normal but my protein levels are very high.  My OB won't let me go home though- I'm here for the next 2 weeks and they will do a c-section at 36 weeks.  So now I'm hanging out, bumping, watching TV and eating bad hospital food.  It's so weird to think I'll have a little girl in 2 weeks!

        As for being AMA, I am 43 and my roommate in the hospital (who also did IVF) is 41 and pregnant with twins.  So don't pay attention to stats! 

    3 IUI's and 2 IVF's later- Brady arrived. Born at 36 weeks after PUPPS and pre-e/HELLP.
    IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image

  • I often come back and peek to see how everyone is doing.  Occasionally I'll post but just read to catch up where everyone is at.  I still haven't updated my siggie picture because I don't feel like I've gotten the best shot of the two of them together, but we're trucking along and learning how to handle two under two (I have one more month of this technically).  I am amazed that DD is almost 2 months old already.  I really don't know where time is going!

    I hope that you all have a storm of bfps really soon.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC #1 Cycle #18 m/c Jan. 9, 2007, chemical pg May 4, 2007, methotrexate shot Oct. 5, 2007--m/c Oct. 9, 2007, IUI Nov. 17, 2007 It worked! beta 11/30 & 12/6 TTC #2 Cycle #5 IUI July 20, 2009 -BFN 8-3-09 Cycle #6 IUI August 17, 2009-BFP! 8-31-09, beta 9-1-09, 9-8-09, saw the H/B 9-22-09 EDD 5-10-10
  • I'm still checking on you ladies and cheering you on.  Can't wait to see some more BFPs!

    As for me, my big news is in my siggy....a boy!  CVS results were great and we are very excited for a little boy.  My constant nausea is finally starting to subside and I'm looking forward to starting to feel normal again.  DH still can't believe I ate an entire container of sour pickles in one day.  Stick out tongue

    Hope you're all doing well! 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Thanks everyone for posting it is so great to see all the success stories!! As I head off to IVF #1 I will keep these happy stories with me and hope and pray that I can join you too!!!  

    Good idea Rach sending out the page!!!

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    IF History in my Bio!

  • Hi all.  Thanks Rach for paging the graduates.  I, too, come back here every so often to lurk and cheer everyone on.

    I've got about 25 days to go until our LO gets here.  So, lots to get ready for in the days ahead.

    Hope everyone is having a great 4th of July weekend.   




  • Great to see all these updates!  

    Runaway Bride - Catch me if you can!
    photo by Scott Metzger
    kikijbird ~ Erica (aka Kiki) & Paul ~ 24 April 2010
    The JBirds Bio ~ Updated 03.02.10 - Invites!


  • Hi ladies! Miss you guys! I lurk here a few times a week. All is going well. I go for my sequential screening tests on the 13th. The bump appeared at the end of every day thanks to all that bloat but OMG, this week, it is here to stay. Only gained 2 lbs so far but it looks like I gained 10! Totally hoping to keep the weight gain at a reasonable level. I am praying for all of you every night and it is definitely time for a BFP roll to start again. Thanks Rach for asking for an update! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • It's good to see all the updates!
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  • imageDeanne Shehane:
    Hi ladies! Miss you guys! I lurk here a few times a week. All is going well. I go for my sequential screening tests on the 13th. The bump appeared at the end of every day thanks to all that bloat but OMG, this week, it is here to stay. Only gained 2 lbs so far but it looks like I gained 10! Totally hoping to keep the weight gain at a reasonable level. I am praying for all of you every night and it is definitely time for a BFP roll to start again. Thanks Rach for asking for an update!'re already at 10 weeks!  So exciting!!  Can't wait to see your bump pics...if you're comfortable enough.  GL at your appt for the screening tests!!  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagemowens26:

    Hi all.  Thanks Rach for paging the graduates.  I, too, come back here every so often to lurk and cheer everyone on.

    I've got about 25 days to go until our LO gets here.  So, lots to get ready for in the days ahead.

    Hope everyone is having a great 4th of July weekend.   


    OMG...mowens...less than a month until the LO arrives!!  Awesome! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageStrunella:

    I'm still checking on you ladies and cheering you on.  Can't wait to see some more BFPs!

    As for me, my big news is in my siggy....a boy!  CVS results were great and we are very excited for a little boy.  My constant nausea is finally starting to subside and I'm looking forward to starting to feel normal again.  DH still can't believe I ate an entire container of sour pickles in one day.  Stick out tongue

    Hope you're all doing well! 

    aawww...strunella....a baby boy!!  How exciting!!  and, wow, I can't believe you ate an entire thing of sour pickles either!  LOL!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I feel like such a schlub for not coming on this board anymore.  Embarrassed

    We are doing well so far.  I had a bleeding scare at 15 weeks (2 days after we told everyone!) & was on modified bed rest for 10 days until I had my ultrasound.  I was originally diagnosed with placenta previa & was fearing I was on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy.  Thankfully the scan showed my placenta had moved up & could be that's why there was a pocket of old blood that was released.  So I'm back at work supposedly on light duty, which means I'm not supposed to strain myself & I haven't been lifting any animals over 20 pounds.  I also won't do treatments on any dogs that are "noodles" & may pull me the wrong way.  I'm also finding it's getting tougher to get up off the floor!

    Being advanced maternal age & also having the clotting issues, I get scanned once a month.  Our NT scan was perfectly normal, which was expected considering we used a donor embryo & the mom was 27 years old.  We're having a girl which I was not expecting.  I scheduled a 3D ultrasound for the 15th.  Can't wait to see what she looks like!

    I'm sorry I've lost touch with everyone.  For the longest time I swore this would never happen for us so I backed away from the boards because it was getting increasingly harder to see the BFP's.  I do hope everyone is doing well & you will all be venturing over to the first trimester boards & beyond very soon.


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    "Cherish your furbabies today because there might not be a tomorrow"

    Heaven has another angel. RIP Bubba 2/15/09 - 9 Months Old

    Godspeed Apache "Boo Boo" 2/2/09 - 2 1/2 Years Old
    Rest in peace my sweet Angel. 11/05/08 - 2 Years Old

  • imagerach2100:

    Hi all.  Thanks Rach for paging the graduates.  I, too, come back here every so often to lurk and cheer everyone on.

    I've got about 25 days to go until our LO gets here.  So, lots to get ready for in the days ahead.

    Hope everyone is having a great 4th of July weekend.   


    OMG...mowens...less than a month until the LO arrives!!  Awesome! 


    I know! Where did the time go?!!  DH and I are now nesting and trying to get the house ready for LO.  

    Here's wishing for more BFPs really soon on this board!!  


  • I read here alot still too - I did not post a whole lot while TTC but sure found much support here.  39 weeks with a boy and about to pop - - huge belly and hot, hot, hot here in TX.  Yet, I'm so very hungry so I keep eating, eating, eating and then more hugeness... haha!   This one has been much harder physically than first pregnancy as well.  Not sure if that is age or just b/c it's not the first or the heat (DD was born late Nov.).  All in all, though, can't complain.  Best of luck to all of you! 
  • Thanks so much for thinking of all of us.  That was so sweet of you.  I still lurk on this board and yes, this board is due for another wave of BFPs. 

    I had my 20 week / anatomy U/S on Friday.  Both bears measured perfectly.  So amazing.  I even saw both their sweet little faces - I dont even have words to describe it.  I do know the genders - but I havent told anyone.  H is OOT until Sunday and I am waiting to tell him in person.  I bought two little baby outfits, one for baby A and one for baby B.  He will open at the airport when I pick him up and that will reveal the genders.

    This preg. has been really tough.  I had a subchronic hematoma which caused a ton a bleeding throughout my first tri - I kept thinking I was losing one or both of my little bears.  I also have hyperemesis (this is basically out of control morning sickness that puts the mother at risk for severe dehydration).  But none of that matters - the babies are perfect.  I did not have amnio or CVS but (based on bloodwork and the NT scan) my risk of Downs is only 1 in 4800.  I am still in awe of the miracles I received. 

    I hope that all of you get your own miracles very soon!

  • Hi all!  I definitely check in here from time to time. I haven't been on the bump for awhile because we recently bought a house and just moved. Life is a little nutty with all that nesting. (suppose I should go back to!)

     Aside from that, things are going well. I am about to finish 24 weeks. This pregnancy is going super fast. With the house search/buy, it kind of took a backseat, and so I feel quite behind. But today I bought a crib, so we are getting somewhere.

     Hoping for a new rush of BFPs on this board!!

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