So Sean's best friend in his daycare class is, oddly enough, another baby named Sean who is very close in age to him. Yesterday when DH went to pick him up, his teacher told him that earlier in the day, the other Sean was sitting on the floor and started bawling, very unhappy about something. My Sean heard him cry, crawled over to him, and just gave him a huge hug for several moments until he stopped crying.
OMG. heart melting!
Re: cute story to share
That is the cutest thing!! Awww!
bwt did you guys solve the car problem?
well, I suppose. DH is on his way to the eastern shore to pick up his friend's truck. he just told them not to do any work on the explorer and he's picking it up from the shop later today. I hate that thing.
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
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miscarriage on 11/26/09 at 5w6d