
How long were you in the hospital if you had c-section?

My son was born via emergency c-section and I ended up with an infection so I was in the hospital about a week the first time around. I am hoping not to be there that long this c-section is scheduled for next Friday so assuming I make the planned date and have no complications how long do you think I'll be there? How long were you there & was your c-section planned or emergent? Thanks!

Re: How long were you in the hospital if you had c-section?

  • I had the boys on a Tuesday morning and went home on Saturday. I had a planned c/s (after being on hospital bedrest) b/c of pre-e, so I was on magnesium for 24 hours after delivery. Not sure if that somehow extended my stay or anything.
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  • My c/s wasn't planned. I was induced on a Tuesday (to try for a vag. delivery) and ended up converting later that same day to a c/s. I went home with my babies Friday morning.So 3 days total.


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  • Went in on a Sunday, had emergency section on Monday and went home late afternoon on Thursday.  My dr wanted me to stay until Friday but, I was sooo ready to be home.


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  • I had mine on a Friday night and was discharged Monday morning.  My doctor wanted to keep me one more day but I had already been in the hospital several days before giving birth.  I was ready to go home!
  • My doctor told me, 3 nights for a c-section and 2 nights for a vaginal delivery.
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  • Planned c/s on Tuesday and went home on Friday.

    ETA:  My insurance covered an extra night but I was ready to get the hell outta there!

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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  • I was in the hospital for 4 days (planned c-section), no complications during the c-section.
  • I had my c/s on Wed morning and I went home on Tues afternoon. I had an emergency c-section and they wanted my BP to come down before they released me.
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  • 7 days. It was a little unusual though, since I got an epidural headache (they warn you about them but they're so rare I never thought I'd actually get one!).

    Oh, and my c/s wasn't planned - I was induced, tried for a vaginal delivery and got a c/s after 22 hrs of labor because of failure to progress.

  • kegkeg member
    I had a semi-scheduled c-section (scheduled the day before) on Wednesday morning.  I went home Sunday evening.  I probably could have gone home earlier if I wanted, but my DDs were in the NICU so I stayed as long as I could.  (DDs came home Monday and Tuesday.)
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  • I had the kids sunday morning and was discharged wednesday morning, so 3 nights. He wanted me to stay another day because my platlets were still low, but DS was transfered to a hospital 2 hours away and he knew I wanted out of there.
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  • planned - 4 nights. Some docs do only 3 nights but mine sayd he likes 4 for twin moms so they get one extra night of help/sleep.

    my advice- send the babies to the nursery at night (all night long if you are not nursing) so you can sleep those few nights- b/c it's all over once you go home :)

  • Girls were born on Thursday morning.  We were released on Marathon Monday.

    I couldn't wait to get out of there (leaving Anna in the NICU was heartbreaking) b/c I could not get any sleep at all.  I had to share a room the first night so I didn't sleep at all - set the stage for a bad hospital stay.  That hospital has a policy that if you have to share a room, you only have to do so for 1 night.  when the nurse mentioned potentially sharing the next night, I told them I would have MH take me home.  That ended that.



  • mine was planned.. and I took the entire 4 days that was allowed and was glad that I did.
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  • Mine was not planned for that particular day but they knew I was probably going to have one.  I delivered on a Friday and I was sent home on Tuesday.

    I hope this one is a breeze for you!

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  • I had a planned c-section and was there for 3 nights/4 days.  I wanted to go back once I got home, they treated me like a queen!
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  • Had my twins on a Thursday and went home Monday (ugh, I really wanted to go home on Saturday.
  • I gave birth on Monday and we left the hospital on Friday.  IMO It was too long and if I could do it again I would have left the day before! 
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