
IUGR possible Preemie, have questions?

Hi there,
Will be 32 weeks Sunday.  Went to high risk OB today and baby is now dropped from 32nd percentile, to 20th percentile at 10 days ago, to 11th percentile today(2lbs 12 oz)...  High risk OB sent me to L&D for steroid injection (beta -something) in case I have to deliver in "the next week or two" and I am FREAKING OUT!  There wasn't any lengthy type of conversation, he had some kind emergency to tend to...  so I am left with a million questions...

What I want to know the most is what can I expect if I have to deliver over the next two weeks?  Will my baby survive?  Will he have long term respiratory issues?  Is there any way to know any of this...  I am beside myself...  Any experience you can share with me would be helpful...  I have a 2 yr old munchkin at home and have no idea how I would handle taking care of the baby's needs in the NICU and my pumpkin at home...  I knew her world would be rocked with a sibling for a bit but this will really turn it upside down...  thanks for listening to me...  and any thing you can share would be more than appreciated... 

Re: IUGR possible Preemie, have questions?

  • Do not stress yourself your baby will be fine. I had my baby at 32 weeks due to pProm.I was on bedrest for a week prior to my emergency c-section (baby was breech and I was fully dilated). My little man was borned 2lbs 14oz came out breathing on his own with a 8 and 9 apgar score. He was in the NICU for 1 month and 3 days without issues, just basically gaining weight and learning to eat. He has been home 3wks now he's already a fiesty one and doing great he has gained over 2lbs since being discharged. Try your best not to worry about your baby just make sure you get those steroid shots.You, ur baby and the munchkin at home will be just fine. Do not worry too much about being able to take care of LO in the NICU you will get help from the nurses.I pray you will have some awesome NICU nurses like I did. Also let me add my LO has no respiratory issues so far and there are no signs that he will.


  • bbe13bbe13 member
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for responding...  you have no idea how good it feels to have someone who has the experience respond with some kind of reassurance, it is a TRUE GIFT, THANKS!
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  • You are welcome, chances are we are not in the same area but just PM if you have any other questions I am glad I could lift your spirits
  • Like the pp, my DS was born at 32 weeks due to pre-/prom.  He was a little bigger - 3lb. 11oz.  He was in the NICU for 27 days to fatten up.  He did develop reflux which would cause his alarms to go off for bradicardia (sp?) and ended up going home on an apnea monitor for 6 weeks.  But as far as NICU stuff goes, it was all pretty minor.  As for long term respiratory issues, my son does get wheezy with every cold he has gotten and if it happens again this cold/flu season, he may get an asthma diagnosis.  But again relatively minor stuff. 

    In order to be discharged, LO needs to be able to maintain body temp, take all feeds from bottle/breast, and be 5lbs-ish (but some 4lb-ers go home too).

  • I was induced at 31w6d because my daughter was iugr and I had pre-e/HELLP. I recieved the streoid shots a few days before her birth and she came out breathing on her own and crying. She was 2lbs 15 oz and never had to be put on oxygen. She stayed in the nicu for 31 days learning to suck and swallow - she had a nasal feeding tube for about 2-3 weeks, then they started trying the bottle and breast.

    32 weeks in a GREAT milestone and your baby should not have any lasting issues. The nicu nurses and doctors take such good care of your baby and at our nicu we could call 24/7 to get updates. With a little one at home, you will probably want to schedule your visits near feeding times (they'll tell you when) so that you can help in the care of your baby. Our nurse let us change the diaper, take the temp, bathe her, and kangaroo with her while she ate. I usually spent 2 feedings with her each day, since it was so far away and I was so tired. The nurses will not judge you - they know you have your little one at home to take care of as well and it's impossible to be at two places at once, so don't feel guilty.

    I pumped for Abby while she was in the nicu and brought in milk daily for her - the hospital had discounted pumps for rent to nicu parents. Try not to panic - although I know it's hard. Your doctor discovered the iugr and now that just means that the baby will probably grow best outside the womb where they can monitor it. Remember that 32 weeks is an EXCELLENT gestational age to have reached!

    DD is now 10 months old. She is meeting all of her milestones and, although she's still smaller than most, she's on the weight chart at 10% now. A great book to look into getting is Preemies: the official Guide.

    Good luck! If you have any other questions about balancing the nicu, feel free to pm me.


  • bbe13bbe13 member
    I am in tears with the response...  thanks so much, you cannot know how much it helps to hear from someone who has already been there...  I know that my situ may not go as yours did, but just knowing that it is a possibility makes all the difference for me...  THANK YOU SO MUCH!  And congrats on your munchkin, what a cutie!
  • My LO was born at 31w5d - I was in PTL and he went into fetal distress so they delivered him.  I had both doses of steriod shots in the two days prior, and he was born crying, breathing on his own, 4 lbs even.  His NICU stay was really uneventful, he was basically a feeder/grower and we spent 32 days there before coming home.  He has no preemie related issues, except for the fact that he's not quite on the normal growth charts and we're still working on the breastfeeding (but I'm pumping and he's taking BM by bottle like a champ).  32 weeks is a great place to be at!  Hang in there, and feel free to ask questions, this board is an awesome resource.
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  • bbe13bbe13 member
    Thank you so much for responding, as I said to the other ladies it means the world to me!  THANK YOU!
  • My twins were born at 28 weeks due to infection.  They spent 9 weeks in the NICU.  It was rough in the beginning but now they are 22 months old and very healthy.  They have no problems at all. 

    You will learn how to manage your time between the NICU and your DD.  Just keep telling yourself that this is only temporary.  It will be hectic for a few weeks but then you will all be at home and happy.

    Good luck to you.  I hope that you are able to bake that baby longer.  Every day in the womb saves 3 days in the NICU!

  • Hi there,

    My LO has IUGR, too. I am currently 27 weeks and have been told that I will deliver in the next couple of weeks. So, I am in the same boat as you with all the emotions and everything.

    A baby born between 32-35weeks will have very few issues, especially since you have been given the steroids to mature the baby's lungs in case of a premature delivery. I just spoke with a neonatologist today regarding this issue with my own daughter. At 32+ weeks, I am fairly certain the survival rate is like 97%. (I thought it was 90%, but someone else corrected me last week- but I never checked my source so please do not take my word as final answer)

    What I found most helpful for me was to take steps and be prepared. DF and I arranged for someone to come and take care of my son who is 1.5 yrs old at our house while I am in the hospital and LO is in the NICU. I also got my hospital bag packed, and set aside some extra blankets and things for LO in the NICU (with her name written on them in permanent ink). The last thing that I did to "prepare" was I took a tour of the NICU and maternity ward. I just took the tour tonight, and I felt VERY reassured after meeting the nurses and one of the Dr's who will be caring for my LO while she is in the NICU. 

    It is a LOT to think about, and it took me some time to get back to Earth and focus-- but these ladies on the preemie board are great!! If you feel like you would like to talk to me, please feel free to PM me. =) 

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  • Ella was born at 33w 6d weighing 3lbs 1oz. She was IUGR but born due to pre-e. She was in the NICU for 37 days. She got sick while in the NICU so that held her back a bit but she is doing amazing now. She's been home for 2 months and she's doing fantastic. Luke was born weighing 4lbs 4oz and he was in the NICU for 23 days. He was mainly a feeder/grower and once he was gaining weight and eating, he was out of there! GL, hun!
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  • Oh, honey, I'm so sorry your OB left you so scared like that! It will be OK, like the PP said, 32 weeks is a GREAT milestone, and it's wonderful that you're getting those steroid shots in, lots of people (myself included) deliver very quickly and there's no time for those shots. My DD was born just under 34 weeks and never even needed oxygen, even without the added benefit of the steroid shots! I had pPROM and when we got to the hospital we discovered she was IUGR and in distress. She weighed 3lb 12oz at birth. She's still a peanut, and we're still on Prevacid for reflux, but other than that she's doing great, hitting all her milestones, etc. And this is the best time of year to have a preemie, you'll have at least 4 months before cold and flu season starts. I hope your LO keeps cooking a bit longer for you, but even if that doesn't happen it'll be OK. GL!
  • bbe13bbe13 member
    Thanks to all of you ladies, again in tears, it is so comforting and relieving to hear that other people have gone through this and come out the other side!!!  I can't thank you enough for taking the time to write, as I am sure you all have your hands full with your babes!  MANY MANY THANKS!!!
  • My DD was born at 31 weeks 2 days. I did not have time for the steroid shots, so she needed oxygen for the first few hours of life (despite being born screaming). She's now being weened off the Vapotherm machine. Other than that, she's had no major issues. The survival rates for preemies in the 30+ week area are basically the same as those for full term newborns, and they usually don't have any lasting issues because of the prematurity. Good luck and keep us posted.
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