Brand new here. Been lurking a little bit, and decided to join up.
So a quickish background.
Fiance had cancer as a little guy, pre-puberty, and as a result, has a special olympics swim team. Heh. Low count; low motility last time he was tested, which was around a decade ago.
I thought I was fine. Had some doubts when, as a teenager, I was stupid and would 'forget' the pill or similar. Then I thought, things happen for a reason. Now I'm not so sure.
Was psyched; thought I was pregnant, had all the symptoms, YAY.....nope, cancer at 24. A total thyroidectomy later, with me also now on paxil due to anxiety attacks, low sex drive, a 100 or so day "cycle," and worried if I even can ovulate at this point. >.<
Tons of stress to the point of it starting to rub off on our relationship. Aaah, this road is a very, very, VERY bumpy one. Like pavement after a terrible winter. I am. Almost 26, crying every time one of my friends gets pregnant, and of course, hearing all the comments:
"It'll happen when you stop trying/when you stop thinking about it/when you least expect it." "You can't be jealous of other pregnant people; that's selfish." "You're still young, you have all the time in the world." "There's always adoption." "Just have lots of sex!" "Oh, put your legs above your worked first try for me!" and many many more.
As we all know, that doesn't help.
I hope to find some better help and support here.
Re: *waves* Hello