Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Funny story... (short)

So I returned to work this week and DH has dropped DD off at daycare each day so I can get in earlier (so I can pick her up earlier). Well apparently I didn't give good enough directions on how to dress our child because when I went to pick her up from daycare yesterday her outfit was on backwards. I asked the daycare lady why and she told me she didn't switch it because she wasn't sure if that is how we wanted her dressed or what, but that she thought it was odd. I was laughing so hard, almost crying and explained to her that I set her clothes out each morning but that DH dresses her when she wakes up and that if she ever came to daycare again and her clothes were backwards to please change them!

When I got home I took her out of her carseat and held her up to DH and asked him if he thought there was something wrong with this pictures, clueless! He goes "No, why... did something happen at daycare?"... I'm like "No, for future reference, ruffles go on the butt, the buttons go on the back and the big flower goes across the front... her outfit is on backwards." He just laughed! Oh, you gotta love the man for trying! Big Smile

High risk momma: Diagnosed with a partially abrupted placenta at 32 weeks and sentenced to strict bed rest for the remainder. Pregnancy Ticker} {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 \strokec2 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker}

Re: Funny story... (short)

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    LOL that's too funny!

    But yes...a general rule is that ruffles go on the tushie!

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    LOL - DH sent DD to daycare with her shorts on backwards last week too!  He'll even admit to her clothes not matching when he picks them out.  I asked if he does that to give our dc lady a good laugh in the morning, or if he's really that clueless!
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    AlikiAliki member

    LOL.Hey, he tried! Smile

    P.S. I love your 2nd siggy pic... with her spiked hair. So cute!

    TTC #1 since 2007. Dx: Unexplained infertility. 4 IUIs in 2008 = BFN. IVF #1 07/09. DD #1 born April 2010 (40w5d).
    TTC #2 since 2011. Dx: Endometriosis and hypothyroidism. 2 FETs in 2012, BFP 6/12 but m/c @ 7 weeks. IVF #2 06/13. DD #2  born March 2014 (40w1d).
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    lol too funny I could see DH doing this if we had a dd
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