Would be Lia Cate or Catherine (mn after mil..) DD is Scarlet and for some reason am drawn to really simple feminie names this time - think Tess, Thea , Liv etc..
I would pronounce it lee-ah Thanks.. Tess is my DH's fav just trying to decide if the whole used to be just a nn thing bothers me or not... I think it has enough merit to stand on its own though. Can't seem to fall in love with Tessa for some reason tho...
I would pronounce it lee-ah Thanks.. Tess is my DH's fav just trying to decide if the whole used to be just a nn thing bothers me or not... I think it has enough merit to stand on its own though. Can't seem to fall in love with Tessa for some reason tho...
Ok, Lia Cate would be my vote then.
My personal fav would be Tess Catherine. Maybe I can put that one away for *future* baby girl (maybe someday!).
Leah's on our list. I really like it the way you've spelled it, too. It's my favorite of the ones you have listed.
BFP #1 6/3/10 | EDD 2/5/11 | Noelle born 1/28/11 BFP #2 12/20/11 | EDD 8/24/12 | Natural M/C 12/22/11 BFP #3 5/13/12 (Mother's Day!) | EDD 1/23/13 | Natural M/C 6/9/12 (blighted ovum discovered 6/7/12 at 7w1d) "And to think when their little eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the face of Jesus." My Ovulation Chart | My Baby Name List
I like the name and the spelling but if you go w/ Lia I think the longer mn looks/sounds better w/ such a short 1st name so I'd go w/ Catherine for a mn.
Re: Lia ? wdyt..
Is it pronounce Lye-ah or Lee-ah?
I love Tess or Tessa too.
Ok, Lia Cate would be my vote then.
My personal fav would be Tess Catherine. Maybe I can put that one away for *future* baby girl (maybe someday!).
BFP #2 12/20/11 | EDD 8/24/12 | Natural M/C 12/22/11
BFP #3 5/13/12 (Mother's Day!) | EDD 1/23/13 | Natural M/C 6/9/12 (blighted ovum discovered 6/7/12 at 7w1d)
"And to think when their little eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the face of Jesus."
My Ovulation Chart | My Baby Name List
BFP #2 - 11/4/09
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