Baby Names

WDYT of Ariella?

DH likes Aria and I like Ella.  This name is kinda a compromise. 

Is it:

too feminine (i.e. will it be seen as professional when she grows up)? 
easy to pronounce (air-ee-ll-a)?
compatible with DD1's name Olivia?

Re: WDYT of Ariella?

  • Too feminine?  No such thing. Wink

    Easy to pronounce? Yes

    Compatible with Olivia? Yes

    It means 'lioness of God' and is of Hebrew origin.

    I love it.

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  • As soon as I saw the title I thought Ariella is pretty but I like Aria better. Looks like I'm on your DH's side, sorry. But to answer your questions it is easy to pronounce (though some people might say arr instead of air) and compatible with Olivia.
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  • It's not my style, but I think it is really pretty with Olivia and I love how you came up with it. Like the PP said, you might run into people who pronounce it Auriella, but if you don't mind correcting, I think you'll be fine.
  • Great name!! Good find!

    Love the meaning...

  • I'm sorry, but when I saw it my first thought was aeriola.  I couldn't help it!
  • I love it! Love the spelling, think it's VERY easy to pronounce, think it's feminine but not cutesy, think it's a great compromise between your two favorites (I'm trying to get my husband to do something similar), and I love the meaning, too. Gorgeous and strong.

    Also, the PP, there is no such word as "aeriola." Are you possibly thinking of areola?


  • It's cute!  But I didn't pronounce it as air.  My daughter is Arianna so I pronounced it as "ah."
  • imageAllie30:

    I love it! Love the spelling, think it's VERY easy to pronounce, think it's feminine but not cutesy, think it's a great compromise between your two favorites (I'm trying to get my husband to do something similar), and I love the meaning, too. Gorgeous and strong.

    Also, the PP, there is no such word as "aeriola." Are you possibly thinking of areola?


    Yes, sorry.  I didn't check my spelling before I hit post!  Right word, I just can't spell!

  • I think of the character from Love Actually but I dont see that as a bad thing, it is a pretty name
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  • imageKT31408:
    I think of the character from Love Actually but I dont see that as a bad thing, it is a pretty name

    I love Love Actually, so if that is the case, then I'm sold!

    :::trotting off to look it up:::

  • i have a friend named ariella. she's been very successful in business, actually, and she likes her name. i find it's a name that kind of sticks in my mouth (i like arielle better), but it's definitely a nice, solid choice.
  • imageBelleBaby:
    I'm sorry, but when I saw it my first thought was aeriola.  I couldn't help it!


    Me too!

  • Pretty name, but automatically made me think 'areola', sorry.


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