I went off the pill in early May and am expecting my second cycle. First cycle resumed like clockwork. Second cycle should have started Monday, but nothing yet. I've really had low expectations in my head regarding how quickly/easily I might get pregnant, and I'm still somewhat convinced that this current situation is just my cycle slowly getting used to being off the pill. At what point would you take a test?
Re: AF late?
I have a chart, but haven't been tracking temp or anything like that to be exactly sure when I ovulated -- I know the estimated date based on my last period and it seems pretty consistent with the mid-cycle cramping I get.
I guess the bottom line is that I don't want to fall into a habit of testing every time I'm late, if this isn't it. Better to be surprised than disappointed!
First, you should know that it can take A LOT of time for you to get back to normal after ditching the BCPs.
Second, without temping, you can't really know when you've O'd...so be a little more patient because you don't always O 14 days after the start of AF.
Third, you may want to do an intro so that we know your story...and can get to know you should you stick around this board.
I have been off BCPs since December and have only had 4 AFs. If you look at my most recent chart, I did not even O until after more than a month.
GL to you!
It's an easy trap but what I do each month is listen to my gut and if it's screaming 'you're not pregnant' than I won't test. It hasn't been wrong and it helps me not waste tests.
Also, avoid having them laying around your house. That helps me too. If I even think about buying one I trick myself and think 'if I buy them I won't be pregnant, if I don't buy them I will be!' HA! It really works.
Well, this is me! I got off the pill and am always like clockwork! I would poas now if it were me. And that would be the only stick I would pee on. If you are two weeks late, call your dr.