
If you gave birth prematurely NOT because of early labor (very long)

Hi everyone,

Our first son was born at 32 weeks because a routine non stress test showed that his heartrate dipped (really low) at random intervals. It happened once during the one hour test, and then about twice/day when they kept me under observation. After 3 days of being in the hospital, they decided that it was 'safest' just to get him out, and he was born via c-section. The incident was considered a 'fluke' because they could not find anything wrong with me or the baby, other than the fact that he appeared to be holding on to the umbilical cord, and randomly squeezing it, hence causing the heart decels.

 I was never in labor, never had contractions (a few braxton hicks, which were to be expected at the time) but they checked me multiple times, and my cervix was closed and 'all the way up there' ;) 

About 1.5 years later we had DS#2, wonderful pregnancy, no problems at all, and he was born a few hours before his due date. I was able to get a vbac and everything went really well.

Now that I am pregnant with #3 and in a different state, different hospital, my doctor is highly recommending progesterone shots throughout the pregnancy to prevent early labor. They have records from DS#1 birth that clearly state no history of early labor, but they are still adamant about it, since they say I have a 'history of premature birth'. DH and I did some research and from what we could gather, the shots are effective at preventing early labor,and that's about it, so we don't see the point of having them (esp. since there are some side effects) since I never experienced early labor. When we told the dr. that we didn't see the point of doing the shots, she made me an appointment with a high risk OB so that she could convince me to change my mind.

The appt is tomorrow morning, and I'm open to what she has to say (obviously I want the best for my baby) but I'm worried I'll feel kind of bullied into something I don't want to do, esp. since DH is unable to come because of work.

Sorry this is so long, but I'm hoping to get some advice. Has any of you been recommended the shots without a history of early labor? What did you decide to do?

Thank you so so much in advance for your help. I have no idea who to turn to.

Re: If you gave birth prematurely NOT because of early labor (very long)

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    I had pPROM with my daughter, and I know that the p17 shots are a subject of some debate for pPROM cases...basically with pPROM, it's kind of a "this may help, but won't hurt" kind of situation. From what I've seen here, most pPROMers do get the shots, but some don' I'd say that if they're up for discussion with pPROM (which is much closer to PTL than what you experienced, IMO - and still NOT PTL), then I'd agree with you. They seem unnecessary, especially since your second pregnancy was fine. Definitely listen to what the high risk OB has to say, but if you're still uncomfortable with what you're hearing, I'd get a 2nd opinion from another OB that is not referred by your current OB.
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    Wow! You are my birthing twin! I did not go into labor either. I was having an ultrasound and my baby's heartrate plunged. I wound up having her a few hours later.

    My OB told me that because I did not go into labor, I was not at risk for having a preemie again if I ever have another baby, and would not be considered high risk in general.

    I agree with pp, it does not sound like you are high risk, and I would get a second opinion. Also, if you stay with your current OB, you have a right to refuse the shots if you don't want them. 

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    i didn't go into labor either, but i delivered due to bleeding from a previa. i would think that, in your case, it was an issue with the baby's health that lead to the early delivery, not an issue with your body. it doesn't seem like that would be likely to happen again. and it also doesn't seem like the shots would help at all.
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    I didn't go into labor either.  And just like you, when I delivered via c-section, I was fully closed and would have probably made it to term before going into labor. 

    This time around, drs are treating me as high risk, but expect me to go to term.  If I were you, I would maybe think about getting a second opinion if you really don't want the shots.   

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    I'm sorry you are feeling pressure from your docs.  I did go into pre-term labor, and I'm now doing the shots.  I just wanted to throw out there that I'm not experiencing any type of side effects whatsoever.  However, I can see why you don't want to do them.  Like you said, they seem kind of useless in your situation since it was an issue with your LO and not your body.  I would listen to the high risk doctor, seek a second opinion if you feel the need, but I would ultimately do what you think is best for you.  It's your body, your choice!  Good luck! 
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    I had my twins early at 32 weeks because I had a complete previa with baby A that caused some bleeding, just because of all the pressure of the babies bouncing around on it.

    But my OB told me that doesn't mean I have a history of preterm birth, it just happened and is not likely to happen again. If she tried to put me on p17 shots this time, I would not take them because that would be pointless.


    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

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     Wow i feel like the first paragraph is so similar to what i just went through with ds. except he was born at 35 wks. after the same thing happened with the nonstress a more than once. I was admited for observation, then had to go to the hospital every other day to monitor me. Finally that following week after it happened again my doc wanted to get him out to be safe.(he could not find out why this happened either- and ds needed no intervention and is perfectly healthy).

     I'm glad I had a c sec, it was fast and gave me a piece of mind after having a stillbirth at 39 wks 2 yrs ago.(never went into labor with dd- just found no hb) There was no direct cause founded for my loss but for this reason the plan was all along to induce labor at 37-38 wks until the non stress thing happened. With this plan I did have 2 rounds of steroid shots for fetal lung maturity a month before.

    It makes no sense to me why they want to put you on progesterone when you did not have a premature labor. I believe that we must rely on our own intuition and put the brakes on these drs. sometimes. They do not always know what is dd would be here today if someone listened to me when I noted that the movements were slowing down. But I thought "he's the dr. he knows best". Right, it's my body.

    I hope you find the answers you are looking for and don't feel pressured by your drs. :) 

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    Thank you SO SO SO much for your responses. It is so wonderful to hear from people who have gone through this crazy preemie experience :) You empowered me to acknowledge my gut feeling and not let drs intimidate me.

    Well, I met with the high risk doc yesterday and she actually (surprise surprise) LISTENED to me and my story, and automatically said that the shots would be pointless in my case. Finally, I was heard :)

    So I'm very relieved. Of course, she still felt the need to remind me that my uterus could still rupture, even if it's going to be my second vbac, and that they would monitor me very closely. Good to know I'll be in good hands, but gosh, do they really need to always talk about worst case scenarios? I'm totally aware of my risks, but I'm not sure I need to be stressing myself over it at 14 weeks. Oh well.

    Thanks again for reading my long post and giving me such wonderful answers. I so wish this preemie board was up and running when I had my preemie. It would have been such a comforting place to go to.
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