I didn't realize that there was a good group of ladies around the Tampa area...would anyone be interested in doing a get together???
TTC #1 since Dec. 2008
01/10 - DH diagnosed with Azoospermia
05/10 - First Biopsy - producing sperm

08/11 - Second Biopsy..4 vials frozen
08/12 - First IVF BFN & no more vials

Don't know our next plan...
Re: Tampa Ladies...
YES! Months back there was like one other girl in Orlando so it's good to see more "locals"! Granted I am moving on to adoption but will always and forever remain an infertile
Yes! I would love to GTG!! Besides dealing with infertility I am new to this area .......well, i've lived here a year now and haven't met anyone
Let me know where and when
What would work best....
Friday night or Saturday Lunch or Saturday night???
I think Saturday Lunch!
Hi there!! I am mainly a lurker on here, but I saw this post and wanted to say Hi to my fellow Tampa ladies.
And I'm right down the road in Brandon