
Just had LO @ 35w1day

Hi All, I had my daughter yesterday, I was 35 weeks and 1 day.  She is doing really really well...everything is perfect, she is on an IV getting dextrose for her blood sugar which was low at first but is perfect now.  We started feedings today (I am BFing) and she latched pretty well at first and at the 2nd most recent feeding tonight she actually breastfed for a whole 10 minutes or so before falling asleep.

I keep asking what they think about how long she'll stay here (I'm being discharged tomorrow) but they can't really tell me anything.  I think they are going to talk to me more about it tomorrow but I'm really hoping it's not too long.  I think it soley depends on her feedings.  Anyone else have around a 35 weeker and can share your story?

P.S. she was 5 lbs 11 oz and 18 inches, her apgar was an 8 and then a 9 so she was pretty healthy from the start!  I'm really blessed...I love her so much.  Also I had a negative FFN at 33weeks 5 days so I fell into the 5% of people that go into labor within 2 weeks...crazy how some things happen.

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Re: Just had LO @ 35w1day

  • JenOSUJenOSU member
    I had DD1 at 35 weeks exactly. She weighed 4lbs. 14 oz.  She never went to NICU, and the only issue was with jaundice. Other than that and her size nothing was out of the ordinary. DD came home with me 3 days later.  I was given the steroid shots earlier that week, so I am not sure how much of a difference that made.   I hope your LO's journey continues on a great path and that she gets to go home very soon!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
     (born at 35 weeks due to pre-eclampsia)
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Olivia Claire born sleeping at 17 weeks (measuring 16) October 5, 2014
    MC 8/06 at 5w 3d
    MC 7/27/09 at 7w 2d
    MMC 12/2/11 discovered at 7w 6d
    ruptured ectopic (loss of right tube) 6/27/13 at 6.5 weeks

  • I had DS#1 at 34w5d.  He weighed 5lbs 10oz and was 18" long... sound familiar? :)  His digestive system was immature and he hadn't mastered the sucking/swallowing reflex yet.  He required a feeding tube for the first few days.  He was released 8 days later and is now a happy, healthy 2 year old!  You definitely cannot tell he was a preemie.  I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this.  Having your baby in the NICU is a very traumatic experience.  I am so happy to hear that Kayleigh is breastfeeding - that's a great sign! 
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  • I had DS at 35w5days and he had apnea of prematurity... he was in NICU for 13 days and then came home. The NICU my son was at had a "rule" that they would not discharge for apnea within 7 days of an "incident"... Thankfully, his apnea was not too severe and he always self-recovered. Also, I did not find out about his discharge until about 8pm at night the day before he was set to come home!

    GL and welcome. =)

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  • I think as a general rule, NICU physicians won't tell you when your LO will be discharged since every baby is completely different. I had a my son at 33wks this year and he stayed in the NICU for 3wks. I had my first son at 36wks and he was discharged with me after 3 days in the hospital.

     Hopefully your NICU stay is a short one!

  • Congratulations! I see you were supposed to be an August mom. So was I (due August 3) but I wound up being a June mom instead.

    Welcome to this board. I'm glad your DD is doing so well!

  • I had my little guy at 35 weeks exactly. I had pre-eclampsia and growth restriction, so he weighed 4 pounds, 7 oz. He stayed a week in the regular nursery for temperature instability. He did very well other than that! Although, we couldn't breastfeed that first week since we had to measure intake, so congrats on being able to do that right away!
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