When you take your LO's into their pedi's, do they weigh them and measure height according to birth age or adjusted?
My pedi has always measured according to birth age but when she does that, my boys aren't even on the growth charts. We've only touched the chart once and that was last summer for weight.
If you pedi does go according to adjusted, is your LO measuring where they should be?
We go for two year check up in September and I am going to ask her to do it based on their adjusted age not actual. I think that might make a difference.
BTW-I'm Erin and my boys are Bryce and Beckett. They were born 12 weeks early in 2008. They are extremely healthy and have barely any developmental delay from their prematurity.
Re: Preemies and growth charts
She keeps their charts in their files so I never actually get a copy but she goes over it with me and shows me where they are. I've thought about looking for growth charts on the internet that I could print off and go by using their adjusted age.
Mine goes by actual age, too. I always want them to do go by adjusted and sometimes I ask and they will tell me but they won't chart it that way.
BTW, welcome!
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
Have you ever asked for a copy? Mine doesn't offer it but I always ask and they always print it out no problem.
Also, try this site to calculate percentage going by your baby's due date. If you dont' like that site, just do a google search for infant growth calculator.
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
I didn't even think about asking for one.
I am usually by myself when we go to their pedi so if its not on my list of questions to ask, it gets disregarded during the insanity of the visit.
My sons pedi does it according to adjusted age. So he's doing really well 90th in weight and 75th in height. He showed me where if they did it by actual birth date he would be in the 10th and 5th percentile.
I think I would ask for her to do it with the adjusted age. But now that they are 2 I don't know that she would because according to our pedi after they reach 2 they should be caught up. But I think that depends on the baby and also how early they were. I would ask anyways and see what she says.
Lol, I almost named Austin, Bryce but after I seen him it didn't fit. =P. Eh anyways good luck. .
My boys were 3 months early. My pedi told me it will take a year for every month they were early to be fully caught up. So for us it is 3 years. I don't think we need 3 years for development because they really are not behind at all.
My Bryce is definitely a Bryce. I can't see him as anything else!